Thanks for Playing: 8 Worst Pick-Up Lines Men Feed Women in NYC Bars

Dating in New York City sucks. 

It sucks even more when you're trying to have a kickass night at the bar with your friends when some creep bursts in with a really shoddy, overused, and perverted pick up line. 

These pick up lines are some of the worst pick up lines we've heard a guy say to a girl in NYC bars. 

Sad thing is, we're sure that they've probably worked once or twice for some schmuck out there. In which case, congratulations, but step up your game. 

Here are some of the worst pick-up lines (that we're allowed to put in writing and still keep our jobs) that we've heard in NYC:

1. "I'm not like other guys"

broterra_nc HORROR-ible pick up line. #horror #horrorwood #horrormovies #horroriblepickupline #pickuplines #badpickuplines #jacktorrence #theshining #instagram #instagood

Sure, sure. 


We won't believe you because 5 guys just said that to us in the last two weeks. You seem pretty similar to us. 

2. "I can join girls night"

das_too_funny Best pick up line ever 😂 #pickuplines

Seriously. This was one we heard when we told a creep that we were having a girls night and just having a beer before going to see a show. In no way, shape, or form do we want a straight male to join us when we're having a girls night, just so he can continue hitting on us. 

Plus, even if we're not having girls night, it's an instant indication that we really don't want to be around you. 

3. "Netflix & Chill?"

xpandables1 I share with you this amazing pickup line. Use it wisely. #tumblr #pickuplines #funny

Okay, maybe in the beginning this might have worked before it really caught on, but now it's just overused and unnecessary. 


No, we don't want to leave the bar with a dude we just met to watch some overrated movie on Netflix that we've already seen, and we definitely don't want to do the other interpretation either. 

4. "Baby, I'm bigger than the Empire State Building"

such_a_sith This line would've totally worked on me as a dinosaur. #flirtatious #dinosaur #jurassic #whendinosaursruledtheearth #pickuplines #flirt #flirty #imadork #geeklife #geeklove #nerdlife #nerdlove #misspelledmeme

Really? That's kind of unfortunate. 

While we're pretty sure that you're full of it, we might be willing to skeeve you out by telling you about that guy who once got penis reduction surgery, and that you should check into it. 


5. "I wanna take a nice, slow, G train ride with you"

jwalkofshame Well then...@jwalkofshame #jwalkofshame #jewish #jswipe #jcrush #crazyjewishmom #jdate #tinder #bumble #hinge #thefatjewish #humansofjudaism #onlinedating #dating #swiperight #swipeleft #parrot #cock #rooster #birds #pickuplines #byefelicia

But we live in the Bronx, why would we want to take the G? 


Ahhh, we understand now, that was a really corny, unnecessary attempt to break the ice with a sex joke. How about a quick hello, how you doin', before you mention any undressing? 

6. "Dayum baby, you're smokin'!"

weareallalittlemadsometimes I love cheesy pick up lines soooo much #weareallalittlemadsometimes #blackandwhitesecret #secret #smile #behappy #beyourownhappiness #pickuplines #cheesy #cute #adorable #funny #perf #happiness #everyonedeservestobehappy #perfect #livetolove #love #dream #hope #wish #stayhappy #everyonedeserveslove #parkingticket #fine #laugh #dontgotosleepupset #behappy #winter #positive

Look, this isn't flattering. It basically constrains us to sexual objects. On top of that, we don't know you. How about we start off with something better?

 Even a, "Wow, that dress looks stunning on you," as a passing comment to see if we'd bite is much less creepy than a "dayum." Plus, we don't smoke. Left swipe. 

7. "Since Jared's in prison, guess I'm the only one that can offer you a real foot-long"

jay_doing_jay #WorstPickUpLines

Yea, this one is just wrong on so many levels. First off, don't lead with your d*ck, literally or figuratively. Secondly, Jared is a pedophile who preyed on children, male and female. 


Let's not try to hit on a girl using a reference to a pedophile and some really awful lunch meat. K? K. 

8. "I'm a really good guy"

justsomeasshole Chicks dig the comb over. Don't let them fool you. #heybaby #combover #pickuplines #cheesy #creepy #oldperv #dating #dtf #smush #relationshipgoals #love

Yea, we just met and you're already trying to get into our pants. If you were a decent dude, you'd recognize that having a conversation with a girl says more than actually stating that you're a good guy. Let us decide for ourselves. 

If you're that blunt about you being a decent human being, we'd probably be forced to question the validity of that statement. Is there a reason why you feel that you need to state you're a good guy? Maybe you're not a good guy. Who knows? We don't, nor do we care at this point. 

Check out 7 Reasons Why We Hate Valentine's Day in NYC.

[Feature Image Courtesy BodyRock] 

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