We're still pretty bummed we never got to see Lin-Manuel Miranda in Hamilton

We're actually perpetually bummed that our only chance to watch Hamilton, period, is on PBS. So we get pretty excited when Miranda is out and about, pretty much doing anything.

To accompany his cover story in this month's GQ, Miranda was featured in a YouTube clip titled "Trump the Musical." 

In the video, he sings a couple of Donald Trump's most re-tweeted holiday greeting from his Twitter, while sitting on one of those double-decker tour buses. 

Unsurprisingly, the "I love hispanics" tweet from Cinco de Mayo made it into musical form.   

“I have not changed a word of these, only added melody,” Miranda notes before his melodious renditions of The Donald's 140-character prose.

The video also served to encourage Americans to get out and vote, with the first presidential debate just around the corner and the election scarily close (referring to both November approaching and the polls).

Something tells us Miranda's adaptations of Trump's colorful words aren't endorsements. Well, no one has to tell us actually, because Miranda has openly referred to Hillary Clinton as "the 45th President of the United States."


Lin-Manuel Miranda is the hero New York City deserves and actually needs right now. Check out "Trump the Musical" below:

[via AMNY] [Feature Image Courtesy ChicagoSunTimes] 

