We have some unpresidented news for ya'll...the BEST news. EVER.

Disgruntled New Yorkers will finally have a place to congregate and share in their anti-Drumpf sentiments together. 

The Daily Show is creating the first ever library dedicated to a president's tweets: The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library.

If this doesn't make America great, we don't know what will.

Although the location hasn't been revealed yet, rumors say that the library will be opening in Manhattan. However, if we've learned anything from our führer, *ahem* president, that statement could very well be fake news.

Regardless, we'd even take the ferry to Staten Island for this shit (Pls don't make us do that, Jon Stewart).

The Daily Show's press release stated, "The exhibit will feature a fully interactive and hands-on experience for hands of all sizes, giving patrons the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to memorialize and celebrate the many 'unpresidented' moments of President Trump’s Twitter history. More details to be announced later."


They even launched their own hilarious Twitter account, parodying the Donald. Here's just one of the gems they've tweeted so far:

"I'm announcing today that the Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library is bringing back 450 jobs from Mexico."


We can't wait to see what the Cheeto Jesus himself has to say about all of this.

[Feature Image Courtesy The Daily Beast] [via Gothamist] 
