There's some major shade being thrown from coast to coast today regarding some gravely serious issues. 

Early this morning, superintendents in both the LA Unified School District and the NYC School Districts received emails containing bomb threats to their schools. 

LAUSD Superintendent Ramon C. Cortines stated that this was, in fact, a "rare threat," and that he was "not going to take the chance with the life of students," in his decision to close over 900 schools. 

Unlike LA, NY Police Commissioner Bill Bratton and Mayor Bill de Blasio stated that they received what "appears to be the same, generic email," and deemed it "a hoax." 

Bratton goes on to state that the person who sent it "may have been a Homeland fan," due to the similarities between the email and recent episodes. 

He believes that it was a "hoax," pointing out that Allah, Arabic for God, was not spelled with a capital "A", denoting a lack of jihadist values. 

As if that wasn't enough shade towards LA, Bratton stated "that this is not a credible threat," and closing the schools would be a "disservice to the nation," inciting fear and giving power to the senders. 


But wait, there's more. Bratton went as far as saying that he thought "it was a significant overreaction," when pressed about LA's school closures. 

Regardless, LA is searching each school to ensure the safety of their students, stating, "[nothing] is more important to us than the safety of our kids." The FBI is looking into both bomb threats which LA believes may have originated from Frankfurt, Germany. 

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While there is certainly danger in giving into the fears of a potential "Cry Wolf" bomb threat, recent tragedies would suggest that no such attacks are without some shade of credibility. 

It should go without saying that drawing parallels to a cable show isn't really a good idea when determining the credibility of a threat to begin with, so maybe Bratton should stop watching so much Homeland.

Check out President Obama Commented on a HONY Post, Welcoming Syrian Refugees to the U.S.

[Feature Image Courtesy Variety] 
