Welcome to New York City: Say Hello to KASHIYAMA the Smart Tailor 👔👞🗽

Hello, New York City! 

One thing about us New Yorkers, they don't mess around when it comes to their street style. Whether you're into the corporate fit, like to dabble in business casual or have perfected Manhattan's infamous 'homeless chic', no man can go wrong with a perfectly fitting suit. Custom suits are no longer for the rich and famous, made-to-measure companies have long since opened up the realm of possibilities. 

One of the newest made-to-measure companies to step onto the scene here in the United States is KASHIYAMA the Smart Tailor. Established in 1927 as Kashiyama Trading by its founder, Junzo Kashiyama, the Onward Group has evolved into a fashion powerhouse that stretches across the globe. With help from an economic boom from Tokyo’s 1960’s Summer Olympics, the Group’s ready-made menswear manufacturing launch took off with a bang. 

Custom suits are no longer for the rich and famous, made-to-measure companies have long since opened up the realm of possibilities. 

With the business expansion, coupled with the #2 world rank for the gross national product in 1968, KASHIYAMA was able to solidify their brand and become a household name in Japan.

Fast forward to modern day, the Group has over 50 brands including names such as Jil Sander, Joseph, and J.Press. Just recently, Onward launched KASHIYAMA the Smart Tailor, a new made-to-order brand, back in November 2017. 


Now, the brand has begun to make their presence known in New York City, getting seamlessly situated in the Fashion District with their brand new showroom. The by-appointment-only location carries suit options ranging from $300-800 with over 160 fabric patterns that are available in the USA to start. KASHIYAMA also offers full canvas suits, not an option you often find in the made-to-measure world. (Guess there are some perks to owning your factory, huh?) Onward's Smart Factory helps the company with quality control and keeping costs low, plus their cutting-edge technology and IT doesn't hurt either. In fact, they’re able to speed up the production process to approximately just four days! The Group developed a system that would cut the made-to-measure process down by half. 

Seriously, did you know the brand once fitted an entire professional rugby team? Let’s just say, this brand is ready and able to handle all of the shapes and sizes synonymous with men living in NYC.

With their PACK-RUNNER system, the company is able to up the ante, effectively and efficiently reducing packaging needed. This combined system also helps cut out the middleman or in this case, manufacturer, allowing the company to mail directly from factory to customer. Another major difference between the Smart Tailor and other Made-to-measure brands? Their tailors, duh. In Japan, they are the company's pride and joy. Around 80% of the fitters supporting the KASHIYAMA the Smart Tailor scheme have careers spanning over 20 years, each performing nearly 300 measurements a year. 

Each expertly-trained tailor makes sure to go the extra mile, taking into account the unique characteristics of each individual’s body. Able to converse with customers, listening to their concerns and desires, each tailor is able to realize the ideal style and fit to match every customer. Seriously, did you know the brand once fitted an entire professional rugby team? Let’s just say, this brand is ready and able to handle all shapes and sizes synonymous with men living in NYC.

However, before you get too excited, this attention to detail is only available at their very first U.S. showroom, located at 8 West 38th Street in the heart of Midtown Manhattan; just don't forget to schedule an appointment right here. Wouldn't want to have one of those rushed showroom experiences, amirite?! 

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