Okay, we'll be the first to admit it, we're suckers for a good subscription service. Why? Because we're lazy and indecisive AF, of course!

From carefully curated, ready-to-cook meals to bottles of wine, everything is trending towards never having to go outside ever again, which is kind of cool... except for when it's not.

Exhibit A would have to be the rise in vinyl subscription services. They can be problematic in two ways: First of all, they compete with record stores, and sometimes even threaten to replace them. Basically like what Amazon is doing to, um, FREAKIN' EVERYONE.

Secondly, one of the best parts of getting some new vinyl for your collection is the experience of physically going to the record store. 

Spending 30 minutes to a few hours sifting through records, taking in the ambiance of the obscure '70s punk band blaring on the radio while fading classic rock posters slowly peel off the walls, people watching the tattooed characters mingling around with you, making small talk with the guy behind the counter with 200 piercings who has definitely met all of your music idols.

Feedbands wants to give vinyl lovers even more reasons to support their local record stores. That's why the crowdsourced record label is going to begin distributing to independent record stores nationwide, starting on Record Store Day 2017, this Saturday April 22nd.

Never heard of Feedbands? Wondering how the heck a crowdsourced record label works? Basically, artists can upload their music to the site, and then Feedbands members can listen and vote for their favorite artists. 

Once an artist has enough votes, they can be featured on the site, an eventually even get their record released on vinyl.


And starting on Record Store Day, YOU can get those vinyls in local record stores near you. All while supporting up-and-coming musicians and independent record stores. Win, win.

Basically it's music chosen by the people, for the people. Without all the shadiness of corporations and big greedy record labels controlling what you listen to based on what "they" want to be popular. Think of it like the popular vote versus the electoral college. 

Okay and we haven't even mentioned the best part. In celebration of the distribution, Feedbands is going FULL WILLY WONKA on us and hiding golden tickets inside of hundreds of records that will be released into independent record stores nationwide.


If you're lucky enough to find one of the golden tickets, you'll win a 2-night stay at Feedbands Farm in Asheville, North Caroline—an organic farm operated by the company to serve as a bed and breakfast for independent musicians touring through Asheville.

And if you survive a series of character-testing challenges, you may be chosen to take over the farm for yourself someday! JK JK, we just got really caught up in the Willy Wonka comparison.

Thanks, Feedbands! And Happy Record Store Day!

[Feature Image Courtesy Feedbands] 

