Is it just us or do you hang out in all the basic NYC locales waiting patiently for Brandon Stanton to interview you for Humans of New York?

Never mind that you just got here (insert amount of time) ago. You are a human. And you are in New York, gosh darn it. 

If you've seen Stanton's stories, they range from heart-wrenching to silly, obscure to horrifying. The people he finds are from all walks of life; inhabitants of detention centers, children's hospitals, and even Syrian refugees.  

So, we're all jazzed to hear the news that Humans of New York is set to become a 12-episode documentary series. 

Stanton began the Humans project in 2011 and ambitiously wanted to interview every New Yorker he found interesting, sort of like a giant visual census guide to NYC. 


The Humans docuseries is partnering with Facebook and has already completed 400 days of filming and interviewed over 1,200 people. That's a lot of interesting humans, Stan! Way to go!

This project is attracting attention from all around the world, even working with audiences to fund New York schools and other local causes. 


Stay tuned for episode releases next week on Facebook. 

[Feature Image Courtesy AV Club] [via Gothamist]