High Line Art really knows how to start family rivalries.

Head under the High Line at 13th Street to play a giant human chess game with a group of 32 friends and family members.

You will most likely separate into teams of friends and foes through the course of the game.

According to TimeOut NY, High Line Art has commissioned New York-based artist Darren Bader for this year's interactive installation chess:relatives.

High Line Art explains that the sculpture comments on how relationships manifest within our lives. Its website states, "As one of the most interactive artworks exhibited on the High Line, chess: relatives will spark new connections, conversations, and debate amongst visitors."

"The piece also gives visitors the chance to become a part of an artwork that aims to ask more questions about art than it can answer." Recruit relatives– distant and close– friends of all kinds, and make new friends on the way to join. Each person will be a game "piece."

You assign human chess pieces by categories you come up with. For example, knights are either mothers or sons. Queens are fathers and aunts. 


Then, just play the traditional game of chess without getting at each other's throats. Check the full set of rules here.

Add some extra flair to your game by dressing up as your chosen game piece! The the tongue-in-cheek art piece will run until April 2018. So you still have loads of time to gather a group to sit on stools and tell them what to do for an afternoon. 

I'm sure that your parents will be totally cool with it just this one time. 

via Twitter

[via TimeOut NY] [Feature Image Courtesy Twitter] 
