Thus ends the tale of "Lefty," the deer who was imprisoned by the police after he wandered out of Jackie Robinson Park in Harlem, where he'd been living.

It was speculated that the deer had probably migrated to Manhattan from the Bronx in search of a mate, because even deer know it's more lit down here.

After being captured, the city went back and forth over what to do with Lefty, whether he should be moved upstate, or "humanely" euthanized.

Sadly, because 2016 hasn't been depressing enough, Lefty died while he was under the City's custody.

Because fate is a cruel mistress, Lefty succumbed just before representatives from the State Department of Conservation were arriving to transport him to a suitable habitat.

According to DNAInfo, the City had not accepted their offer to relocate Lefty upstate until earlier, due to city law prohibiting transporting deer across country lines, which seems like an oddly specific law to have and care about enforcing.


As reported by DNAInfo, a spokesperson from the Parks Department elaborated why they believed euthanasia was the most humane option, saying that transporting deer is particularly stressful for them, and the survival rate of relocated deer is very low.


RIP, Lefty. May many memes be erected in your honor.

[via DNAInfo] [Feature Image Courtesy New York Daily News ] 
