Lately, there have been a slew of slashings on New York City's subways. Since the new year alone, 11 face slashings have occurred in NYC.

The number of stabbings and slashings in NYC increased 14.8% last month, with 286 reported incidents in January compared to 249 reported incidents in January of 2015.

Obviously, these statistics are petrifying. 

Luckily, the Guardian Angels are returning to keep us all safe.

According to CBS, Guardian Angels' founder Curtis Sliwa announced that the Guardian Angels will be making regular day and night patrols on the subways for the first time since 1994.

True to his word, Sliwa boarded an uptown 1 train with several Guardian Angel colleagues on Monday.

"We've decided to not only be out during the day, which we haven't been, but also ramp up our efforts at night to try to stop these slashings," Sliwa said.


What do the Guardian Angels do?

Well, they protect the safety of NYC's subway riders of course, but more specifically, they protect victims, call the police, or make a Citizen's Arrest. 

A Citizen's Arrest, by the way, is what happens when a civilian witnesses a crime. If you witness a crime taking place, it's perfectly legal to restrain the person who perpetrated the crime until the police arrive.

If you are making a Citizen's Arrest, you're required to announce what you're doing, and detain the person using reasonable force. You're only allowed to use the amount of force required to detain the person.

muthafuhkin_mike Guardian Angels founder #CurtisSliwa #ims #internationalmotorcycleshow

The Guardian Angels were founded in February of 1973, and since then, more than 130 chapters around the world have been created. It's made up entirely of volunteers who are dedicated to helping protect communities around the world.

The organization is fueled by a dream: that all children can enjoy a safe environment, rise to their full potential, and develop self-esteem.

Obviously, stabbings and face slashings on the subway contribute to a climate of fear in the city and detract from the Guardian Angels' dream. However, learning about the Guardian Angels' tireless dedication to our safety helps reinvigorate our faith in humanity.

Thank you, Guardian Angels, for contributing to our feeling safer on the subways. To all you face slashers, cut it out. Okay, poor choice of words. Don't cut anything. You're not only making it worse for everyone around you, but for yourselves, too.

Check out The Transformation of NYC's Most Dangerous Street, Queens Boulevard

[via CBS] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram]