Jersey City's Mayor Just Called for Governor Christie to Step Down from Office | spoiled NYC

The list of high profile New Jersians who want Gov. Chris Christie to step down keeps on growing.

New to that list is Steven Fulop, mayor of Jersey City, NBC 4 New York is reporting.

Fulop announced on Tuesday that he launched a website, Residents of New Jersey can visit the website and sign the petition calling for Christie's resignation.

This comes after anger toward Christie following his campaign for president and now his campaigning for Donald Trump. Residents don't think that the governor is focusing on local issues.

NBC4 reports that Fulop joins six editorial boards of New Jersey newspapers that also want Christie to step down, but Christie challenged that earlier this month. He said to NBC at the time, "I don’t want to agree to the premise of a question that is dramatic but factually incorrect." The six newspapers are owned by the newspaper chain Gannett.

“Gov. Chris Christie must step down, he has made his priorities clear that time with Donald Trump on the campaign trail is more important than the people of New Jersey," Fulop said in a statement on the website. "Stand with me, by signing our petition to ask Gov. Christie to resign."


According to NBC4, Christie said Tuesday that he doesn't care and believes the calls for resignation come from the people who do not like him supporting Trump.

"I've answered this before," Christie said. "I'm not resigning. I'm serving my next 21 months as governor."

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