Artists find ways to revitalize and inspire. All over New York, you can see the work of many budding artists as well as those more experienced. Art unifies and uplifts the community. We are thankful for the artists that breathe life into our districts using business spaces as canvasses for their multicultural expression. This is what the Culture LP is all about.
The Culture LP, otherwise known as CLP, is a community of artists, musicians, and educators who are partnered with the Local Development Corporation of East New York and the NYC Department of Small Business Services. The Gates of Atlantic project, curated by ​Cierra Britton​, was confronted by scheduling issues due to the current pandemic, and this included the postponement of their previously scheduled launch in May of 2020.

This undertaking is centered on the empowerment of communities of color and all of the art and artists—all of which are either of African American or Latinx descent—reflect this endeavor.
The featured artists and corresponding businesses are:
●Egypt​, Graffiti Egypt for ​Baybee Lounge DayCare
●Thee Prince Melo​ for ​BKLYN Eats​ and BKLYN Juice Bar
●Bianca Romero​ for ​AAMCO Transmission​ and ​EZ Pawn Corp
●Janel Young​ for the ​Gardenia Flower Shop
●Angel​ and ​Jose​ for ​La Mexicana Hidalguense
●Jordan Moss​ for ​Marien Grocery
●Quiana Parks​ for the BKNY Printing
This exhibition has already garnered a lot of attention and praise from both the businesses involved, the community that surrounds them, and even garnered the attention of some congressional leaders. The re-scheduled exhibition officially debuted for the public on August 10th and will run from Georgia Avenue to Warwick Street along Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn.
For information and updates on​ Gates of Atlantic​​, follow the hashtag #GatesOfAtlantic on all social platforms, and follow The Culture LP on Instagram (​@theculturelp​).