#FrozéAllDay: A Guide to the City's Favorite Frozen Pink Drink 😋💗🍹

It’s the first day walking the streets void of old ass snow clinging onto sidewalk corners or piled up against office buildings still able to thrive thanks to the Game-of-Thrones-winter-is-coming-level wind chills blowing down every street like some ghastly winter specter determined to keep me out of New York out of denim cut-offs and in our thickest jeans and boots. 

Today is the first day workers and tourists alike jacketless, scarfless, hatless, both parties adopting a suns-out-guns-out-shades-on policy.

With the sun’s long-awaited return, comes the yearning to day drink frozen drinks. Specifically frozé.

Everyone likes basic things, guys, that's what makes them basic. 

So for all of you willing to shout “rosé all day” in a manner completely devoid of irony, (or sip rose in complete silence), here are our favs.

Franklin Park (618 St John’s Place, Brooklyn)


By far my favorite frozé of the bunch.

This seasonal drink comes out in the Spring and sticks around well into the Fall. Not only do you have your rosé - you also have a blend of grapefruit and gin in this concoction.

It’s an upgrade of the now-iconic frozé drink, and it is best enjoyed in Franklin Park’s huge outdoor patio.

Bar Primi (325 Bowery, Manhattan)


Head on down to Bowery and you can grab yourself a delicious glass of frozé from Bar Primi.

This blend is made with Sicilian rosé, Rosata Vermouth, and garnished with a strawberry.

It’s also on the menu all year round so you can chug it well into the winter months, at the risk of falling victim to brain freeze.

Extra Fancy (320 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn) 


There are few better places to enjoy frozé than a backyard, and Williamsburg’s Extra Fancy offers an incredible outdoor space for you to sit back and sip on their delicious Frozémonade - frozen lemonade blended with rosé, obviously. 

The Rookery (425 Troutman St, Brooklyn)


Head down to Bushwick and you can enjoy frozé at The Rookery for a mere $7! This blend is mixed with rosé wine and strawberry syrup and is served all year-round. 

And just check that price! Those are happy hour prices, but for frozé all day! 

Literally. Frozé. All. Damn. Day.

Trestle (34-02 Broadway, Long Island City)


If you find yourself in Queens, you can head to Astoria’s Trestle to get your hands on, and mouth around, a delicious frozé that thankfully is not a seasonal offering, but an all-year-round menu item. 

Chilo’s (323 Franklin Ave, Brooklyn) 


Crown Heights just might be cleaning out every other neighborhood in terms of frozé offerings; just a few blocks from Franklin Park is Chilo’s, a Mexican restaurant already renowned for its frozen drinks.

They’ve added a refreshing frozé to their menu and it can sit alongside their amazing frozen margaritas as their equal in taste.

Gristmill (289 5Th Ave, Brooklyn)


Gristmill’s frozé is a lovely mix of Moulin de Gassac Guilhem Rosé 2016 and one of two other rosé wines. This zesty frozen blend is garnished with a sprig of mint for Insta-worthy visuals and a refreshing finish. 

Beaubourg (225 Liberty St, Manhattan)


Situated in the Financial District is a 30,000 square foot French market, with some of the best frozé you’re going to find in Manhattan.

Le Bar is serving a frozen blend of Grey Goose Melon, Giffard crème de Peche, pressed lemon, Cointreau and Provencal Rosé.

It’s probably the strongest frozé on the list, with that many ingredients. But you want your frozé to pack a punch, don’t you?

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