How about a stroll through a park that is elevated 25-feet from the ground? The High Line is certainly the gold standard.

New York City is absolutely head over heels with parks. 

Of course we all love Central Park and not just because of how ginormous it is. But, there is a new park that is quickly becoming our new boo.

New Yorkers love to recreate the magic and expand on it. So, High Line meet Liberty Park.

The Financial District will be getting its own version of the High Line that is set to open this summer.

Now the city is going to have not one, but two amazing parks that are sure to stun anyone that takes a walk through them.

The High Line is such a simple, yet complex beauty that is redefining what a park can be in this city. It's a huge attraction for anyone living or visiting, and there is so much planned in the future that there is no way it is going to flatline anytime soon.

But Liberty Park will have a 300-foot long wall that will house all sorts of greenery at its base and overlook the 9/11 memorial. You can expect a lot of different types of flowers and trees that are sure to delight all your senses.

There will be an elevated walkway connecting Battery Park City with the new park that will go over the highway so your jogging route doesn't get stale anytime soon.


Soon the park will also be home to the St. Nicholas National Shrine which will be very near where the St. Nicholas Church, a Greek Orthodox Church, was before 9/11. The shrine is set to be completed in 2017.

Is this the future of parks for NYC? We can only hope. These parks pack a punch of rich culture in such a small space.

So, take some time out of your busy life and go out and smell the flowers, feel the grass in your fingers and take it all in. You're in the greatest city in the world and it's only getting greater.


via DNAinfo

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[via DNAInfo] [Feature Image Courtesy DNAInfo]