June rocks because, well, summer. 

But it's also Pride month which is one of the most colorful (and totally lit) months we have every year. 

This year's theme is "We Are Proud," symbolizing the LGBTQ community's resilience, despite the current political climate.

This extravagant and powerful event starts at 12 noon this Sunday, June 25th, 2017.

The need-to-know road closures are yet to be released but it'll be best not take public transportation in Midtown or the West Village this Sunday. Crowded AF is an understatement. 

After the march, stick around for Pridefest, which goes down where the parade concludes on Greenwich Street. Until then, the crowds will start to form around 5th Ave and 37th Street, follow down 5th towards 8th Street, turn West, and down Christopher Street, before ending at Greenwich.  

And because it's looking to be even more populated than last year, the parade will be aired LIVE on ABC for the first time ever from noon to 3 p.m. YAS. 


Love will reign out from beyond the streets of Manhattan and into all homes who tune in on Sunday.

Oh, and AWARDS are given for the best lewks at the Sunday Pride March. Get ready to serve some serious face. 

And if you can't make it Sunday, there's a Dyke March on Saturday, June 24th at 5 p.m. starting at the north side of Bryant Park at 42nd Street and 6th Ave. The march moves down 5th Ave and ends at Washington State Park.


These are more than just simply marches. They're celebrations of life and love, and we are SO stoked. We'll meet you there!

[Feature Image Courtesy NYC Pride] [via Curbed NY]