Remember when Agent Orange promised to release his tax returns after he got elected?
Apparently, everyone but the führer himself does, even if he says that no one cares anymore.
And this tax day (or, er, the Saturday before tax day), angered New Yorkers are taking to the streets to voice their dissent.
The organizers of the protest, The Resistance, are calling for Trump to release his tax returns alongside other advocates in cities across the country.
The Tax March will take off at Bryant Park on Saturday. The protest will begin with a few speeches and end with the group protesting in front of Trump International Hotel at Columbus Circle.
According to TimeOut NY, they're even getting a couple of 10 ft. tall inflatable Donald Trump chickens. Yeah, you read that right.
You can help them raise money for the chickens here.
Feel free to also bring food and water to fuel the protesters.
So file your taxes ASAP, if you haven't already, so you can get down to Bryant Park this Saturday!
[Feature Image Courtesy] [via TimeOut NY]