The $25 cup of tea, a longtime staple of New Yorkers (as if), is being showcased at the Met now as an historic artifact of the last century.

That's mostly true— there are outrageously priced teas, but they are actually being sold and consumed, along with more reasonably priced ones, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art's new pop-up cafe.

Tea Drunk at the Met is a familiar name for those who've made it to the East Village tea house, but as reported by Gothamist, now the museum that inspired the name is bringing it in as part of their new exhibit. 

The artisanal teas chosen by Tea Drunk (brought all the way from China pure and uncut), are going to help stimulate more than your eyes at the Met's latest, the upcoming Age of Empires.

So, as you stroll the huge halls and eyeball the museum's collection of the Qin and Han dynasties' art, why not make a stop on their second-floor balcony at the cafe and see what all the fuss is about?

Green tea for two goes for $20 a pop, and the coveted Wu Long is the big spender item at $50 for two. You'll find edibles too, in the form of cakes, cookies, and pastries. 

There's also coffee, if you appreciate the whole tea house vibe but need that caffeine fix.


That's not all, though! Composer Tan Dun of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon fame will be performing at the Met two days, March 31st and April 1st. 


The Age of Empires exhibit opens April 3rd, and the pop-up cafe will be open daily for the next three months, 10 AM to 3:30 PM. 

[Feature Image Courtesy Gothamist] [via Gothamist] 

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