All the way from Los Angeles, where his restaurants crack over two thousand eggs a day, chef Alvin Cailan has come to us with breakfast creations in hand.

If he's somehow escaped your notice until now, join the two million people who have seen how the master makes an egg sandwich in this video.

Chef Cailan's returned to town bringing cheesy, caramelized, fluffy, and crunchy breakfast goods, but he won't step on any toes doing it. 

He shared a childhood story with GrubStreet where he talked about why NYC's bacon-egg-and-cheese staple doesn't need an update, and reveals some of the creative process in crafting his original recipes. 

One of the sandwich's bun went through 16 different iterations!

Alright, so where the goods at? Enough fluff and feel-good; let's see the meat!

The Chefs Club Counter (itself an offshoot of Nolita's Chefs Club) is located at the corner of Spring and Lafayette Streets. It's brand new and serves as an "anti-pop-up," where the head chef's signature dishes will remain long after he departs back to L.A.


And Friday, Friday, Friday is when it pops up! 

You'll see a line, smell the mouth-watering sandwiches cooking, and you'll know you're in the right place. They've got the Fairfax, with cheddar, caramelized onions, chives, eggs of course, and sriracha mayo on that 16th bun mentioned, all ready to go! The Soho Salmon is prepped too, along with the restaurant's namesake: the full-stop "Slut."


The Chefs Club Counter will also have chef Linton Hopkins dishing up a grain and squash bowl, George Mendes and his duck rice, Romana pizza by Magnus Hansson, and a whole lot more.

So what's good, Friday morning? Eggs— eggs all day long.

[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] [via GrubStreet] 

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