Introducing Drift, NYC’s First Clean Energy Solution That Will Actually Save You Money | spoiled NYC

Introducing Drift, NYC’s First Clean Energy Solution That Will Actually Save You Money ⚡️♻️

New York City is home to over 8 million residents and over 22 million commuters from surrounding areas. On average, the city uses an insane 11,000 Megawatt-hours of electricity per day, which comes from fewer sustainable sources than Mother Nature would approve.

As a resident of the ever-changing Big Apple, one may feel inclined to become more eco-savvy in this transformative age. That's where Drift comes into play, challenging traditional electric companies by offering premium clean energy without the premium price tag.

They offer a clean energy plan that reduces your monthly utility costs by 10%, giving you extra money for that falafel sandwich you've been dying for.

Why should you have to pay more for renewable energy sources, especially when it's getting cheaper to produce? Enter Greg Robinson and Ed McKenzie.

These are the two tech veterans who were tired of the age-old industry and started Drift with the mission to make green energy accessible to everyone, aiming to change the industry for good. Captain Planet would be hella proud.

That's where Drift comes into play, challenging traditional electric companies by offering premium clean energy without the premium price tag.

Drift allows you to be a conscious consumer as it utilizes programs and algorithms to perform real-time searches for local sources with the lowest prices. And local means within 100 miles, not 500. Expedience and efficiency is key, amirite? 

The energy that powers your Fire Stick, so that you can watch a brilliantly bootlegged version of Lady Bird, doesn't necessarily originate close to home. Where traditional electric companies put a hefty price on delivering this energy, Drift uses its methods to hook you up with the goods without a sucker punch to the wallet.

They ditch the middleman and get energy straight from the wholesaler, reducing fees and added costs. Now tell me that ain't the sexiest thing you've heard all week.

Drift wants to ensure that you have the option to be a forward-thinking energy consumer and save money like a boss. The planet needs your help, so go get ‘em you superhero.


Most importantly is that this service is easy to use and streamlined so that you can stay on top of your energy usage, as Drift provides statements for a monthly subscription price of only $4.

This new, tech-based approach to deliver power to big city dwellers is revolutionary in its own right. Through paperless means and low costs, Drift can genuinely change the way you handle your energy usage.

So do you want to be able to pay for clean energy and also save money? It's not a trick question, because Drift makes it possible!

Get out there and make a difference, start by getting rid of the bulk with Drift and end up with having a lighter load on your monthly bills and carbon footprint.

Well, what are you waiting for?!

Sign up here and use the code spoiled50 to save $50 with Drift! Huzzah!

[Feature Image Courtesy NA Wind Power] 

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