It's about time!

This recently signed bill solved an issue you may not have known about before today ― the tax on feminine hygiene products.

On July 21st Governor Cuomo signed the bill that'll eliminate the tax on feminine hygiene products.

This makes New York the 11th state to ban the tax on these products, which also makes us the 11th state to pull ourselves out of the Stone Age.

In response to the bill, Cuomo stated that the passing of the bill was an act of "social and economic justice." We'll drink to that.

Assembly member Linda B. Rosenthal was responsible for bringing the bill forth, commenting that the tax was only still in place as it was installed during a time in which women were not a part of government.

Rosenthal also made it a point to state that the lack of tax on these products will now make them more available to those who were not previously able to afford them.

The reasoning behind these hygiene products not being exempt from sales tax was that they were used in regards to personal cleanliness... say what?!

Now these hygiene products are being considered "medical devices," as they're listed by the FDA, thus allowing them to be exempt from sales tax.

This bill comes only months after Mayor de Blasio signed a bill that allowed for the free distribution of menstrual pads and tampons in public schools, homeless shelters, and jails.

The point of this tax exemption? Making items that are necessary for day to day living more accessible to those who need them.


Some argue that more needs to be done when it comes to tax exemption and personal hygiene products.

Some urge the government to remove the sales tax on items such as toilet paper, and toothpaste, as they too are considered by many to be a necessary aspect of personal hygiene.


Until then, this is a solid step forward in New York City's fight to bring those things necessary for daily living more accessible.

[via Daily Dot] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

