Just. Awful. Friday Morning's Terrifying Crane Accident in Tribeca Was Caught on Video

This morning in Tribeca, a construction crane completely toppled over onto a busy street, killing one and injuring several others. 

While many were shuffling through the heavy snow falling on the city around 8:30 a.m., this crane was crashing into a row of parked cars on Worth Street near Church Street. 

According to Sergeant's Benevolent Association President Edward Mullins, the crane spans nearly two blocks. 

Yesterday, that crane was loading heavy air conditioning equipment to the roof of the construction site, the New York Daily News reported. 

"I saw it yesterday,” Mullins sad. “I thought to myself if this comes down its going to take out our building.”

Mayor de Blasio immediately rushed to the scene to assess the damage, and before the accident, workers were attempting to relocate the crane to a safer location due to the nearly 20 mph winds. 

Officials have since closed a number of streets in the area: Worth St. between West Broadway and Hudson St.; southbound West Broadway from Canal St. to the Battery; and northbound West Broadway from Greenwich St. to the Battery.


Mayor de Blasio said the street closures would likely last several days. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those involved in this accident. Be careful out there. You can see video of the crane being lowered before toppling over and crashing into the street, courtesy of NBC News

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[via New York Daily News] [Feature Image Courtesy Imgur] 

