Having a ton of student loans is hard enough, let alone trying to pay them back while living in New York City. We’re constantly putting money toward commuting, groceries, rent, and clothes every month—we don’t need loans looming over our heads on top of all that.
Your loans helped you achieve a dream, but now they’re making it tougher to maintain it. Could you imagine life without having to worry about your loans so much?
With CommonBond, you can refinance your old student loans, trading them in for a new, single loan with better terms—including a lower interest rate.
Fortunately, CommonBond—your new friend in finance—can help with that. With CommonBond, you can refinance your old student loans, trading them in for a new, single loan with better terms—including a lower interest rate. You can also pause your payments for up to 24 months, if needed, over the life of your loan.
Your new interest rate will be based on your current income, payment history and education—as opposed to your old one, which was likely just given to you when you started college. This ultimately means you can either save a ton of money or pay off your loans faster. To top it off, there are no pre-payment deadlines. Want to know the best part of it all?
With no hidden fees and no hidden costs, you see nothing but savings from day one.
Hmmm, can you even begin to imagine what you could do with all that extra cash? Neither. Can. We.