Hey, remember Mayor de Blasio's citywide ferries? Yeah, the ones we're supposed to be getting in June 2017?

ICYMI, our mayor proposed ferries that will cover over 60 miles of waterway and connect the five boroughs to waterfronts in areas like Astoria, Rockaway, and Bay Ridge.

We realize we usually adopt a tone of skepticism when we talk about city projects (cough- SECOND AVENUE SUBWAY- cough), it turns out that construction actually seems to be moving on time. FOR NOW. Sorry, we can't help it.

Just in time for the L train shutting down, the ferries will be swopping in to the Rockaways and Astoria starting June.

As reported by Time Out, there will also be free shuttles from the Rockaway's ferry stop to locations nearby, including Rockaway Beach.

We haven't even unpacked our heaviest winter coat yet, but um, who else is super psyched to take the ferry to the beach next summer?

Each of the new shuttles will be taking two routes with six stops; the eastbound stops will end at Beach 35th Street and the westbound stops will go as far as 169th street, but include a drop-off at Jacob Riis Park Road & Bath House.

The ferries will also reportedly be serving alcohol on– if only the entirety of the Metro North would follow suit.


This will only account for a couple of the 18 proposed ferries in de Blasio's new system, but it looks like those will be rolled out throughout the summer. As a refresher, the ferries will be able to carry at least 150 passengers each, will be equipped with wi-fi, and will be fully accessible to disabled New Yorkers.


We wouldn't start planning our commutes around these ferries just yet, but it does look like they'll end up being a nice alternative to the subway. We can only hope.

[via TimeOut NY] [Feature Image Courtesy DNAInfo] 

