Bibliophiles looking forward to the new Hunters Point Community Library... please stand by.

Your long wait is nearly over! This summer the library will finally be complete, after numerous setbacks during construction. 

In the meantime, LIC residents and visitors can enjoy the mobile Queens Library service.

The wheels on the bus are rolling into the neighborhood April 9th, which just happens to be the first day of National Library Week. 

The mobile library brings with it all the amenities one expects in their favorite immobile library branch, along with killer views from the water.

That's right, as reported by TimeOut NY, you can find wireless internet, good reads, digital downloads, and community events taking place on the bus parked at Center Boulevard near Gantry Plaza State Park on Sundays from noon to 5 PM. 

And if past years are any indication, the Queens mobile library will be in operation through August. 


It's been in operation since 2014, and we're all keen to know where it goes once the Hunters Point Community Library's front doors are finally thrown open.


Until then, and it won't be long now(!), we know what to do with our lazy Sunday afternoons.

[Feature Image Courtesy Rew-Online] [via TimeOut NY]