If you have an absurd amount of money and a really loose wallet, you can now buy a replica of the naked Donald Trump statue that was installed around the U.S., including our very own in Union Square, last week.

The overall grotesque statue of Trump stood in Union Square last week for about two hours, and is now on the market.

Proceeds will go to the artist, Joshua Monroe, as well as the self-described “activist” and “nonprofit collective," INDECLINE.

The press release on Sunday stated that “INDECLINE… will use 100% of the proceeds to fund future protest projects against the various forms of social and environmental abuse enacted by American government agencies and corporations."

The group sells items like stencils, T-shirts, and beanies to fund its projects. Some of those projects include illegal graffiti on the abandoned runway in an active military site in California and an anti-Trump mural on the U.S.-Mexico border.

While the group relies and insists on anonymity, several sources, as reported by DNAInfo, have linked Ryen McPherson to INDECLINE. In an interview with The Root, McPherson indeed took credit for a #blacklivesmatter video that the group released as part of its projects.


McPherson was first caught on the radar in 2002, when he and co-producer Daniel Tanner created the “Bumfight” video series, which shows homeless people performing dangerous stunts for small amounts of money and alcohol.

The two were charged with felony battery and pleaded guilty before going to trial in 2003.


About a decade later, in 2014, the two were accused of attempting to ship packages containing preserved human body parts from Thailand to the U.S., as reported by the Associated Press.

But anyway, you can buy one of their naked Trump statues for $10,000. 

[via DNA Info] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

