Okay let's start with the good news: There is now officially a Butterbeer Ice Cream. Yes that's right, the Harry Potter beverage of choice, is now a delicious ice cream flavor.

Okay now for the better news: The ice cream comes from Yuengling's Ice Cream, which is completely separate from Yuengling Beer Company, whose owner is a 'uge Trump supporter. 

Wait, what? Long story short we don't have to boycott it, YAY!

The magical pint is made with half buttercream ice cream, half butterscotch ice cream, and is twisted with a butterscotch swirl. We Potterheads def approve.

The similarly named Yuengling Beer company has been under scrutiny by Trump opponents since fifth generation president "Dick" Yuengling publicly announced his full support for then candidate back in October. Many once loyal Yuengling beer drinkers (myself included), have been boycotting the company ever since.

However, David Yuengling is a cousin of Dick and president of the totally separate, newly re-opened Yuengling's Ice Cream company. Unlike his cousin, he makes sure the company does not take a political stance. He said of the magical concoction, “My kids were big Harry Potter fans and we wanted to do something unique."

Despite the fact that Butterbeer is an ale in the books and is made by a company that was once distantly related to a beer company, this kid-friendly Butterbeer ice cream will be non-alcoholic. Ya can't win 'em all, I suppose.


According to HuffPo, the pint will be available in local supermarkets for about $3.99 and lucky for us, will be added to the official 20 flavor Yuengling's Ice Cream line-up from here on out. So no need to turn your Butterbeer Ice Cream experience into a pensive. 

“We hope we made J.K. Rowling proud with this flavor,” shared Yuengling in the press release. We think not outwardly supporting Trump is a good start for getting on her good side.

[via The Huffington Post] [Feature Image Courtesy Emfizz] 

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