It happens every day: Does this train stop at Grand Central? Is this running local? I know the bus stop is on 23rd, but can you stop at 21st instead? Do these questions make you cringe?

If you're a commuter in New York City, we feel you. 

We also have some good news.

Designer Anthony Denaro has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund his idea of the "Bullet Map," a map and app that shows commuters a full subway and bus guide of the city―an idea that has not yet been fully realized until now!

Denaro was a commuter for years, taking the Q5 bus in Queens, before hopping on the E train to get to Jamaica Queens. This commute was everyday. Denaro says that it wasn't until he started to design this map that he realized there were three other buses he could've taken.

As reported by DNAinfo, this was not an idea that happened overnight. Denaro started working on the map 6 years ago, and quickly learned how complicated the New York City Transit system really is.

Denaro is the first to admit that this map is intense. "It's definitely not a tourist map." he says. Just by taking one look at the map, it's enough to immediately overwhelm someone who isn't familiar with the city layout.


So, why would we chose Bullet Map over Google Maps and Apple Maps? Denaro says that his map offers something more than just point A to point B. He hopes to eventually add functions such as train and bus delays and real-time service changes.

If you're interested in getting this project started and funded, visit the campaign here. If you're a New Yorker who has places to be and people to see, we highly recommend you checking this out.

[via DNAinfo] [Feature Image Courtesy DNAinfo]