Happy Valentine's Day: Did You Know You Can Name a Bronx Zoo Cockroach After Your Loved One?

What. Goes. On. 

This Valentine's Day, you can let your special someone know that your love is eternal. How so? You can name one of the Bronx Zoo's Madagascar hissing cockroaches for your sweetie right here

Because tens of thousands of roaches remain nameless and would make a great symbol of your love. 

For $10, the Bronx Zoo will send your loved one a digital certificate to cherish for years to come, featuring the name of your Valentine's roach.

This year, you can even up the romance by adding chocolate. For $25, you'll receive a printed roach certificate and something sweet, made with love by Nunu Chocolate in Brooklyn, NY. 


Your donation will also help the Bronx Zoo protect these misunderstood love bugs, along with a lot of other animals, both big and small.

As they say, roaches make the heart beat faster, right? 

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[Feature Image Courtesy The Bronx Zoo ]