8 Best Ways to Keep That Summer Bod on Lock in NYC This Fall―for Free

If you're an average New Yorker, the extent of your cardio is likely the morning walk to the train, and your daily allowance of fruits and vegetables comes in the form of sangria and the onions on a Lox-and-scallion bagel.

With Labor Day come and gone and booze cruises being booked, it's become clear that the dreams of a sexy summer body have been crushed once again. 

Luckily, there’s another chance, because while it may not seem like it now as sweat spots cover the sidewalks, autumn is fast approaching.

More than pumpkin spice lattes and sweater-dresses, this means that New Yorkers still have the chance at rockin' bods. There's no shame in dressing up for Halloween in something skimpy to show off amazing abs.

Here's a list of some great ways to still get in shape before the North Face jackets come out. Added bonus: these are totally free! 

Ain't nobody got time for big-buck gym memberships; can't forget about the astronomical rent for the city's best "studio-style" cardboard boxes. 

1. Sassyfitgirl


source: Sassyfitgirl

This site is a one-stop-shop for all of the free fitness classes and events everyday, all around the city! 


From Broadway Cardio Dances at Brooklyn Bridge Park, to walking clubs at Pier 84, Sassyfitgirl's got a lock on free fitness clubs and events in NYC.

2. Yoga To The People


source: mykindoftownchicago

While not technically free, the St. Marks Place location (12 St. Marks Pl.) of the Yoga to the People collective is donation-based, so skimping every once in awhile hopefully won’t mess with your chi too much.

3. Blogilates


Source: POP sugar

Want to exercise, but hate people? Cassey Ho, founder of Blogilates, has you covered with workout videos, monthly challenges, and clean recipes; all accessible from the comfort of your room! #antisocial

4. The Rise NYC


source: The Rise NYC

Are you one of those weird morning people? Then get your butt to these free 6:30 a.m. workouts, ranging from Monday HIIT to Friday runs, held in Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn.

5. The November Project


source: The November Project

While the movement began in Boston to fight off the pounds associated with winter hibernation, The November Project is now in 27 cities, including NYC. Fancy a run at 5:28 or 6:28 a.m.? Get out there before your body realizes what you’re doing.

6. Shape Up NYC


source: NY Daily News

This a free fitness program sponsored by the city’s Department of Parks and Recreation. It offers classes ranging from Zumba to Kickboxing all across the city, but sadly Leslie Knope isn’t included.

7. NYC Fun Run


via Sporting News

Yeah, you don’t have the money to pay for a gym membership, but you can definitely scrape some change together for a beer. 


It’s time to go on a beer run, literally, at Run and Chug on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. with NYC Fun Run. Runs start and end at a local bar. #exercisewithpurpose 

8. Pokemon Go


Source: healthmindpower.com

Use your addiction for finding Zubats and Charmanders as an exercise ploy; increase your step count to at least 10,000 a day and burn calories while you hatch Bulbasaurs with Pokemon Go.

[Feature Image Courtesy OnSizzle.com] 

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