9 Best Iced Coffees in NYC | spoiled NYC

It's Gettin' Hot, Hot, Hot: 9 Best Iced Coffees in NYC

The temperatures are beginning to climb (finally). 

That means that we no longer need scalding hot coffee to hold in our freezing hands simply to stave off frostbite, only to realize that it's lukewarm by the time we've actually reached our office. 

Instead of using your morning pick me up to keep you warm, it's time for your caffeine to perform double duty by cooling you down.

Don't settle for a watered down Dunkin' fix. Instead, hit up these java huts for the good stuff. 

Head to these fine roasters for a killer iced coffee. 

La Colombe Coffee (various locations)


If you're a fan of iced coffee and you haven't tried La Colombe Coffee's iced coffee, then you haven't had iced coffee. The iced coffee at La Colombe Coffee has developed a bit of a cult following, with people raving about the strength of the coffee. 


Not only is the coffee itself strong, but the baristas also throw in a double shot of espresso for an extra kick of caffeine. 

The Coffee Foundry (186 West 4th Street)


This little coffee shop transforms into a karaoke bar every night. When you're looking for a place to chill out, sip an iced coffee, and browse the web on some free wifi, this place is for you. 

It's not the biggest space in the world, but it's a great spot to study or take a work break, especially because of the care they put into their coffee and their customers. Unlike many coffee shops, the Coffee Foundry serves their iced coffees in sophisticated glass mugs. 

Stumptown Coffee Roasters (various locations)

This cash only coffee shop is brewing up the perfect iced coffee, completely devoid of bitterness, without compromising strength. Don't be put off by the hipster garb of the baristas: they're brewing up mean cups of coffee. 

If you're looking to avoid the line, but take some coffee for future mornings, grab a 4-pack of their coldbrew. 

Prodigy Coffee (33 Carmine Street)

When you're in Greenwich Village, you need to grab a coffee from Prodigy Coffee. Whether you're interested in their traditional iced coffee or their "Frost Bite," you're in for a treat. 


Their "Frost Bite" consists of a nutty, smooth brew of coffee poured over shaved ice. It's almost like a slushy dessert, but it's your morning coffee instead. Perfect for New York City's humid, hot summer days. 

La Casa Del Caffe (1036 Morris Park Avenue - the Bronx)


Okay, so we're cheating with this one, but any espresso drinker at all knows that the best espresso in NYC comes from La Casa Del Caffe. When it's warm, you can sip the perfect cappuccino, or you can grab an iced espresso. 

Both locals and outsiders alike flock to La Casa Del Caffe on a daily basis, simply because their espresso and cappuccinos are, well, perfect. Just get them iced, and you're golden for springtime. 


Black Brick (300 Bedford Avenue - Brooklyn)


It can be a bit daunting attempting to find a decent iced coffee in Williamsburg, especially when everyone seems to be a bit pretentious about their cup of joe. 


Cut the hassle and head to Black Brick. They're serving up delicious iced coffees, iced mochas, and iced lattes. But be aware: they're cash only. 

Mixtape (1533 Myrtle Avenue - Brooklyn)


This little walk-up counter is not to be overlooked. They're serving some of the best coffee in NYC, which is partially due to the fact that they serve Ritual Coffee, a San Francisco favorite. 

If you're looking for someplace to sit and grab a pastry, you might not have very much luck here. Though it does have a few benches at their small bar, it's mainly a place to grab your morning iced coffee before work. 

Baruir's Coffee (40-07 Queens Blvd - Queens)


Don't you hate when you pay for an overpriced iced coffee only to realize that you've received a cup of watered down, semi-chilled, day old coffee? You'll never see that at Baruir's in Queens. 


Instead, you'll receive a freezing cup of ice cold coffee with ice cubes made of coffee. Best part yet? You won't run into any pretentious hipsters, but you'll still receive the same (or higher) quality iced coffees as you would in Brooklyn. 

Beans and Leaves (422 Forest Avenue - Staten Island)


Ever get stuck with a pile of sugar slush at the bottom of your iced coffee cup because (pro tip) sugar doesn't melt in cold liquids? That will never be the case at Beans and Leaves

Instead, they'll combine and melt your sugar with hot coffee before combining the iced coffee and ice in a mixer. 

Check out 8 Best Spots for a Cup of Coffee in NYC

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