Escape from the Heat: 6 Best Frozen Treats to Keep You Cool AF This Summer in NYC

We personally don't subscribe to the absurd belief that frozen treats are to be reserved solely for summertime. 

We are not weak. We invite the cold sting of brain freeze even in New York City's lowest and most bitter temperatures. It's worth it. 

But, nevertheless, ice cream and other frozen deliciousness are certainly much more enjoyable in the warmer months. There's no denying that. 

And in NYC, you won't only find your average, run of the mill ice cream cone. 

The city is home to some of the most creative frozen goodness in the universe, and we can't wait to get our hands on some this summer. 

Read on to discover the best of the best frozen treats in NYC. 

1. Ice Cream Bars from Magnum (134 Prince Street)


A good ol' classic ice cream bar brings back memories of childhood summers waiting in barely-containable excitement for the ice cream truck to round the corner and make his way down our street. 

And we certainly delight in the nostalgia brought on by this beloved treat. But Magnum ice cream is taking this dessert experience to a whole other level, mostly because of the absurdly elaborate toppings. 


The beautiful masterpieces created by the Magnum staff will almost be too good to eat. HAH. Just kidding. There'll be no stopping you from devouring these things. 

2. Donut Ice Cream Sandwich from Peter Pan (727 Manhattan Avenue - Brooklyn)


Yes, you read that correctly. 

This delicious dessert combo sounds like the greed-filled creation of a 10-year-old whose parents are out of town, and we're certainly not mad at it. 

The shop itself is super old school in terms of both decor and prices. You can nab one of these babies for under $4, and there are tons of flavors to choose from. Whatever you pick, it's nearly impossible to go wrong. 

3. Boozy Milkshakes from Sidewalk Cafe (94 Avenue A)


These milkshakes are so deliciously sweet, you may forget entirely that you're actually consuming alcohol. For that reason, they are a bit dangerous, but they're also completely amazing.


We recommend the White Russian (vanilla, vodka, coffee liqueur) and the Salted Caramel Pretzel (salted caramel vodka, graham cracker crumbs, salted rim). Um, YES.


4. Soft Serve Fruit from Chloe's (25 East 17th Street)


This frozen goodness tastes like ice cream, but is really just fruit, water, and a little sugar. 

So, that means we can eat it all day long and not feel guilty, right? RIGHT?


These super-light and refreshing treats come in lots of different flavors, and can even be swirled together. We highly recommend the chocolate and banana as well as the strawberry and mango. 

5. Rolled Ice Cream from 10Below Ice Cream (multiple locations)

We didn't think there was a need to change the way we consumed ice cream. We thought it was just fine.

We were wrong. This unique rolled ice cream is everything we never thought we needed and now cannot live without. 

You know how pasta tastes better in certain shapes? This is kind of like that, but with ice cream. We highly recommend the S'more - it comes with a toasted marshmallow! 

6. Wine Slushies from Sweet Revenge (62 Carmine Street)


Yes. This is a real thing. We will give you a moment to collect yourself. 


This frozen beverage is not only super refreshing but also combines our two favorite things: wine, and dessert. Don't forget to pair it with one of Sweet Revenge's insanely delicious cupcakes - a truly winning combo. 

Check out 8 Absolute Best Summertime Food Trucks to Grab Some Grub in NYC.

[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

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