School Is for Fools or Nah? Crush This Semester with Free Swag, Money, and Mentorship―On Us

Alright, it's time to face the facts, back to school season is upon us once again. 

Whether you're holding out in high school, a big wig in college, or doing the most out in grad school, it's time for you to start repacking your backpack and get ready to kiss your summer goodbye.

We feel for you, seriously. Which is why we've teamed up with General Assembly, BoxedMogul, and The Webby Awards to make sure you go back to school armed to the teeth for success. 

General Assembly's This Is Not a School Sweepstakes is giving three lucky winners that chance at gold, silver, and bronze awards. 

At General Assembly you get the expert instruction and guidance you need to pursue—and achieve—your goals. 

Learn how and what you want, online, or at one of their 15 campuses worldwide, and become a part of their thriving community of instructors, employers, and more than 25,000 global alumni. 

Now through September, you can kickstart your educational journey with classes and workshops, tuition credits, and corporate training programs, but their This Is Not a School Sweepstakes is pretty incredible. 

The Bronze winner will have access to free classes and workshops at General Assembly for one week this October as well as exclusive back-to-school gear from GA. 

The Silver winner will also get the free classes and swag, along with a $1,500 tuition credit (hell yeah!), and 10 referral passes for your friends to take a free class/workshop. 

Plus, you'll be able to bring 3 friends for free to any class/workshop you attend, because learning is better when it's done with friends.

And of course, there's the Gold winner. The Gold winner will get everything the Silver and Bronze winners have, plus, a tuition credit of $3,500 towards any GA class, and a private lunch in NYC with Sarah O’Hagan, former CEO of Equinox, GA swag, and a year of mentorship!

Now you have everything you need to make sure you're actually looking forward to going back to school. Enter the giveaway right here, right now, and make this school year the best one yet.

[Feature Image Courtesy AllWomensTalk] 

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