The New York City we know has no shortage of art events and immersive pop-ups. As influencers, bloggers, art enthusiasts, and culture experts flock throughout the Big Apple, venues seek to be the next viral post. The ever-growing need for photo ops and up-to-date selfies has collectively led to semi-thoughtful works and half-baked glitter and smoke, so where do we go for the good stuff? The legendary and necessary ARTECHOUSE, of course!

As a destination for theater, fine arts, film, music, and technology, ARTECHOUSE is an innovative powerhouse redefining immersive experiences. Their latest exhibit, Submerge raises the bar on art installations as visitors are strategically stimulated by color, sound, space, and emotion. It is more than a run-of-the-mill-themed room. The combined use of cutting-edge technology and science exposes visitors to something new and exciting, making each visit to their NYC location unforgettable.
Thanks to founder and art director Sandro Kareseldize and the amazing team at ARTECHOUSE, every exhibit combines a thought-out walk-through with different forms of visual arts and the latest technology creating a controlled, yet unpredictable multimedia exhibition. In their latest exhibit Submerge, visitors are re-introduced to the color blue. The sweeping space showcases blue, not only as the color we know, but as emotion, exposing its characteristics, symbolism, and potential.

Classic Blue is splashed across the installation, meant to swallow viewers in the sights, sounds, and feelings, is rumored to revitalize the spirit, mimic refuge, and release those participating in an endlessness similar to the sky or ocean.
When viewing the exhibit, it is clear that its conception surpassed the borders of a canvas or minimal circumstances so much so, it begins to play with your own perception of the limit of color. Submerge, is an experience you surrender to and participate in as a viewer. According to Sandro, ARTECHOUSE attempts to “connect audiences to art in an entirely new way, stimulating minds, emotions, and imagination through multiple touch points.

The surreal experience of visiting ARTECHOUSE delivers time and time again, as it did during last September’s Machine Hallucination exhibit by Refik Anadol, which merged hundreds of millions of images of New York City together before the eyes of visitors using an AI algorithm.
You may be a native New Yorker, a tourist, an art expert, or a professor familiar with art in society in New York City, but if you are not visiting or studying the contemporary and modern work put out by ARTECHOUSE, then you’re missing out on today’s riveting art world. There are 1 million ways to see the city but in this case like the Machine Hallucination exhibit, you would have to be there.
Now that time may have passed but looking forward, you have an opportunity to visit Submerge and rethink color as you know it under the guidance of ARTECHOUSE during the multi-sensory, multi-media experience they designed just for you.
You can find tickets to Submerge here, and you can use the code SPOILED20 for 20% off your ticket.