#Twinning: Check Out All of the Adorable People Who Clearly Dressed Together at Governors Ball

So Governors Ball was a thing. And we were there. 

And aside from dropping $14 for a piece of avocado toast and obtaining a gnarly scalp sunburn, it was pretty freaking awesome. 

Oh, and that whole Sunday-getting-cancelled thing. Small details. 

The two days that we did get to enjoy, however, were filled with heaps of the aforementioned sunshine, stellar performances by both headliners and newcomers, and, of course, all the festival fashion we could ever hope to bear witness to. 

There were the expected trends: flower crowns (which my fellow spoiled staffer refused to partake in, despite my pleas; so what if he's a dude? I SPIT ON YOUR GENDER CONFORMITY [EDITOR'S NOTE: I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO PARTAKE, BUT THERE WEREN'T ANY SENSIBLE CROWNS. #SORRYNOTSORRY.]), flash tattoos, the ever-confusing short-shorts-with-winter-boots look. 

Yes, there was even the assortment of confused white boys in dashikis jamming out to a sweaty white boy singing reggae. It was hella confusing. Appropriation or nah? Who knows?

But there was another equally as ubiquitous trend that I was not expecting: twinning. 

I am not exaggerating when I say that I saw that this look EVERYWHERE. I could barely turn my head without catching two festival-goers donning identical outfits. It was insane. 

I can't help but speculate as to why this trend is so popular. 

Is it an effort to recreate the #squadgoals of Taylor Swift's posse and other similarly-dressed famous friend groups? Was it a buy-one, get-one situation? Is it so they can easily find each other in the crowds? 

Of course, now that I think about it, that last one kinda makes sense. Kudos to them if that was the intention.

Whatever the reason, the trend was very real. And in case you don't believe me, please refer to the below photo evidence in the form of our official #twinning roundup of this year's Gov Ball. 


Check out 16 Amazing Things You Don't Want to Miss in Queens This Summer.

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