Dust off your P*ssyhats! 

In honor of International Women's Day on March 8th, women and their allies across the world will participate in 'A Day Without A Woman'.

The strike is meant to highlight the incredible role women of all backgrounds play in the global socio-economic system, all while receiving lower wages, and experiencing higher risk and instances of discrimination, harassment, and job insecurity. Yay!

The organization that led the wildly successful Women's March in January will be leading the event, which is standing in solidarity with The International Women's Strike happening around the world in over 30 countries. 

Anyone, anywhere is encouraged to participate in making March 8th a day without women in one or all of the three following ways:

1. Women take the day off, from paid and unpaid labor

2. Avoid shopping for one day (with exceptions for small, women- and minority-owned businesses)

3. Wear RED in solidarity with A Day Without A Woman

The strike was inspired by the recent NYC "Bodega Strike", led by Yemeni immigrant store owners, and the nationwide 'Day Without Immigrants'.


'The Women's March' notes on their website that, "We recognize that trans and gender nonconforming people face heightened levels of discrimination, social oppression and political targeting. We believe in gender justice." 

An important statement following oppressive legislation against the Trans community coming out of the White House last week.

The International Women's Strike makes the distinction that the strike is, "Not just against Trump and his misogynist policies, but also against the conditions that produced Trump, namely the decades long economic inequality, racial and sexual violence, and imperial wars abroad."

So what can you do? If you want to take the day off in protest, you can print out this template letter to your employer here.

Can't afford to take the day off? Participate by boycotting major businesses, including in stores or shopping online, with the exception of small, women and minority owned businesses. Find out which stores and chains are encouraged to boycott at #GrabYourWallet.

At the very least, show your solidarity by wearing red! Red was chosen because it represents revolutionary love and action, and has a history of being associated with the labor movement.

Are you a dude? Don't worry, you can help too! Male allies are encouraged to use the day to advocate for equal pay and adequate paid family leave for women. Call your representatives, or speak to decision-makers in your workplace!


The movement states that they recognize many women in vulnerable communities, especially working mothers, do not have the ability to take the day off work due to economic insecurity, and promises to strike in their name. 

They also note, however, that economic resistance has proven throughout history to be most effective when carried out by the people most directly affected by economic inequality.

Considering 52% of New Yorkers are women, we're hoping to see a lot red in NYC on March 8th.

[Feature Image Courtesy TobyCantamessa] 
