Get Down to the Boogie Down! 9 Things You Gotta Cross off Your Bronx Bucket List This Fall

New York City in the fall is hard to completely take advantage of.

At first, it's all fun and games and flannel and PSLs but before you know it, the leaves are off the trees and you're digging your big ass winter jacket out of the closet.

Don't miss out– some of the best places in NYC to catch nature in its full fall foliage glory are in the Bronx.

The Bronx is home to the amazing Botanical Gardens, the Zoo (The Central Park Zoo is not THE zoo), and a ton of unique cultural events that will easily fill your season.

We've put together some of the coolest things for you to check out:

Movies Under the Stars: Ant Man (September 22nd)


Gotta love a free outdoor movie. Get to the West Bronx Recreation Center at 7:30 p.m. (well, before 7 p.m. actually, if you want a good seat) for a screening of Marvel's Ant-Man because who doesn't love Paul Rudd?


Space is first-come, first serve and there is a limited supply of chairs, so viewers are encouraged to bring a blanket. 

Dreams of Color Exhibition (September 24th)

A former dancer with  the Ballet de Puerto Rico, Ernesto Camacho's debut exhibition, "Dreams of Color," celebrates dancers of color in the world of ballet. 

Camacho's paintings have appeared in The New York Times, Manhattan Arts International, The Greenwich Times, and more. He has also won many awards including the First Prize in Bohemia Beers Kahlo Challenge, and from the Bronx Council on The Arts.

This exhibition has been open all month, but the 24th is your last chance to see it. Head up to the Poe Park Visitor Center in Poe Park; this event is also free! It's open to the public from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.

The Bronx Native American Festival (September 25th) 

Celebrate the unique native cultures of the Americas at Pelham Bay Park's annual event with four hours of performances, exhibits, arts and crafts, delicious food, storytelling, and more.

Take this opportunity to educate yourself about the traditions and lifestyles of native groups such as the Taino, Ojibwe/Onieda, and Matinecock/Wamapnoag.

This event is also totally free, all you have to do is head to the South Picnic Area in Pelham Bay Park between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Honey Weekend (October 1st & 2nd)


This buzz-worthy annual weekend event is a family friendly staple at Wave Hill, a public garden & cultural center in Riverdale.

Taste a selection of local, artisanal honeys in The Shop, where you can also meet local beekeepers. There will also be a candle-making workshop, a honey extraction demonstration, and more.

Check out their full schedule of events here. Admission to Wave Hill on weekends is $10 and you should definitely take advantage of viewing the rest of the beautiful garden (and its seriously 'gram-able views).

Bronx River Full River Paddle (October 15th)


This event is definitely not for beginners. If you're up for it, join this epic paddle that starts at 219th Street and will leave you in the Estuary section of the Bronx River by Concrete Plant Park (uh, it will actually leave you there, but you can catch public transportation a couple blocks away).

The trip will have you exploring Shoelace Park, The Bronx River Forest, The Botanical Garden, the Bronx Zoo, and into the Estuary via the 182nd Fish Passage. Again, this will definitely be a challenge– but totally worth it.

Grab your tickets here.

Enchanted Wave Hill Weekend (October 22nd & 23rd)


Well, if you couldn't make it to Honey Weekend in the beginning of October, you should reaaally go see Wave Hill. The views of the Hudson and Palisades alone are already worth the trip.

Enchanted Wave Hill Weekend pairs the beautiful fall foliage with folklore inspired arts and crafts that include building fairy houses, crafting fairy garlands, and magical wands. Grab your little cousin if you have one and bring them along, this is another family-friendly event.

Giant Pumpkin Carving at The New York Botanical Garden (October 24th & 25th)


If you haven't been around for this Botanical Garden tradition– or even if you have– definitely be a part of this year's Halloween celebration. 

"Master Carver" Ray Villafane, who you've probably spotted on The Food Network, will transform giant pumpkins from all around the world into a Day of the Dead tableau.

Both days there will also be a question & answer session with Villafane's additional carvers. And if past years have been any indication, expect some seasonal treats to munch on, as well.

Brew at the Zoo (October 29th) 


ICYMI, The Bronx Zoo is hosting this dope, adults-only overnight camping party, but unfortunately, it sold out.

Brew at the Zoo is no consolation prize, though– you might not be able to stay at the zoo the whole night, but drown your sorrows with 100 varieties of beer samples from over 40 beer vendors, and munchies from a bunch of food trucks.

DJ's will be spinning the soundtrack for this fun-filled night, where you'll also get to see lemurs, sea lions, snakes, and more... because well, you're gonna be at the zoo, duh.


It'll be Halloweekend so if you come to this bash decked out in costume, you have a chance to win a costume contest too.

There are three types of tickets available, General Admission, VIP, and Designated Driver (snaps for the Bronx Zoo!). Grab them here– and soon, because we have a feeling this one will fill up too.

SET UP & POSE! Studio Lighting Photo Workshop (November 12th)

Do you have an interest in photography? Are you interested in getting better? For free? Of course, you are. 

A Bronx-based digital media artist, Melanie Gonzalez, will be hosting this free workshop at the St. James Recreation Center at 2530 Jerome Avenue from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. Gonzalez graduated from the City College of New York and her photography has a concentration on portraiture with an editorial aesthetic.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own cameras; everyone will learn the basic techniques of studio photography lighting and equipment set-up for a portrait shoot. Take your skills past the selfie!

Register for a spot here.

[Feature Image Courtesy DailyArtFixx] 

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