Because Moms Love TV & Movies Too: 7 Things We're Watching Indoors on This Rainy Weekend

Mother Nature better be thanking her lucky goddamn stars that Netflix exists. 

Because if it didn't, there would be a whole lot of disgruntled humans causing a riot because it's awful out and they can't enjoy their weekend. 

Luckily, there's tons of awesome stuff to watch this weekend to keep us occupied as we fashion a voodoo doll in Mother Nature's likeness and stab it repeatedly. 

Our favorite steaming services, web content, and newly released movies are continually there for us in these times of weather frustration, and we could not be more grateful.

Read on to find out what we'll be watching this weekend. 

1. Saturday Night Live

Does anyone really keep track of who's hosting SNL anymore? Are we the only ones who sort of tuned out once Kristen Wiig and Andy Samberg left? 

That said, there are still occasionally some hosts that we're super psyched about. 


The next couple of weeks actually seem pretty promising, starting with recent Oscar-winner Brie Larson hosting tomorrow night (with musical guest Alicia Keys), and Drake serving as both host and musical guest next weekend. 

2. Grace and Frankie

In case you needed further proof that Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda are comedic goddesses, look no further than their hit Netflix show, Grace and Frankie.

The show centers around two women who become friends after their husbands reveal they are gay and have begun a relationship. Tomlin and Fonda's characters become unlikely friends as they navigate through their newly single lives together. 

Season 2 is streaming as of today, and we cannot wait to binge-watch all of the hilarity and brilliance that inevitably ensues whenever these two get together. 

3. Captain America: Civil War

Who's ready for more comic book, cape crusader bullsh*t?! After sitting through Batman v. Superman: Yawn of Justice, we were more than prepared to walk away forever. 

On the other hand, this isn't an Avengers movie. Even though there are like 80 million characters prepared to jump on the screen, it's still a Captain America movie, and that usually means good things (Winter Soldier is dope). 

This also marks the debut of Black Panther and yet another Spiderman. We're exceedingly down with the former, and decidedly "meh" with the latter. Whatever. 

Rotten Tomatoes has it at a 93% rating so far, and if that's not an indication of a good movie, we're not sure what is. Then again, Marvel's made a few stinkers lately, so it's unlikely that they even care what's good. They're just. Going. To. Keep. Going. For. Ev. Er. 

4. Gilmore Girls

In case you've forgotten, it's also Mother's Day this weekend (QUICK, THERE'S STILL TIME TO SEND FLOWERS). 

What better way to celebrate than relive one of the greatest mother-daughter relationships to ever exist on television? That's right, we're talking about Gilmore Girls

The entire series is streaming on Netflix, so you and your mom can rewatch all of your favorite moments, in addition to getting pumped for the series' forthcoming reboot (YAS). 

5. French Kiss 

Last week, we spoke with the minds behind Cannibal Milkshake Comedy, who's Tinder parody took home the award for best sketch comedy at the New York City Independent Film Festival. 

This weekend, we'll be catching up on season 1 of French Kiss, their quirky, comedic web series centered around a struggling Jazz musician in New York City. The series stars and is loosely based on the life of the hilariously awkward Sami Bronokowski, a French musician turned stand-up comedian. 

6. Special Correspondents 

God bless Netflix. In addition to their original shows that we know and love, they are also bringing us their own original movies. 

Special Correspondents stars Ricky Gervais and Eric Bana as news correspondents who fake coverage of a war in Ecuador. Shenanigans inevitably ensue. 


America Ferrera and Vera Farmiga also star, making for an all around incredible cast and what is sure to be a highly entertaining film. 

7. Inherent Vice 

4/20 may be over, but you can continue in the spirit of this beloved holiday by enjoying this 2014 stoner crime comedy-drama that's now streaming on HBO NOW & HBO GO. 

Not only is it a precious reunion for Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon (sort of), it's also equal parts hilarious and unsettling, which in our opinion is the perfect cocktail for a film of this nature. 

Josh Brolin is awesome, Benicio Del Toro is great, and this should definitely be the last Thomas Pynchon book anybody tries to bring to the big screen ever again. Like, he's not easy to read let alone translate into a coherent viewing experience for people. 

Many have called it Paul Thomas Anderson's (The Master, Punch Drunk Love, Boogie Nights) weakest film to date. We're sure that has everything to do with Owen Wilson. Pro tip: use subtitles. Every other word he says is possibly audible. 

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