7 NYC Date Ideas to Bring Out Your Inner Adventure This September

You got that new boo this September? A Bae? A Bae-Boo perhaps? 

Whatever you're calling your newest love thang, now's the time to up your date game! 

September and fall leaves are upon us, but please resist the urge to be basic– we believe in you. 

Here are some new and exciting date ideas that you and your (insert cutesty pet name here) are sure to love this month:

1. Drunk Shakespeare


Oh, thou went there. Thou totally went there. Whether you're a well-seasoned Shakespeare alum or turned off by all the flowery speech, you're going to get a kick out of this New York Times Critics' Pick! Hidden in a library, this stage produces 90-minute Shakespearean plays with one bold cast member chosen to ingest 5 shots of whiskey. 

Haven't you just been dying to see Hamlet be the drunkest b***h at the party? 


And if you're really dying to go all out, opt for the fancy exclusive experience ($500) to get your own private viewing for two, including crowns, a bottle of champagne, appetizers, and prestigious decision-making powers throughout the performance (yas Kween, you can say "off with his head!"). 

2. Take an Improv Class

Reckless Theater

In case you weren't aware, this city is filled with large and small-scale improv theaters for any kind of improv you never knew existed. 

If you've ever been to an improv show, you can clearly see the performers on stage are having an all-out blast. Why not try your hand at a two-hour (and did we mention free?) improv workshop with your date at Reckless Theater on Saturday, September 9th, from  4-6 p.m?

Not only is this workshop super free and super fun, but you can see how well your date does under pressure (miming with a shovel, come on, Steve, really?).

If you're feeling extra jazzy, come to the Reckless Jam on Friday the 8th to test out your improv chops sans workshop. 

3. Attend a Glass Blowing Event



It sounds a bit dangerous. But isn't that kind of what you need in your dating life (minus any medieval-style torture of course)?

Don't worry, you and your date won't be doing the glass blowing. But for $25 you and your boo can watch the professionals make you a personalized glass mug and watch them fill it to the brim with beer or bubbly!

Now that's what we're talkin' bout. 

For tickets to Hot Glass Cold Beer on Saturday September 16 from 7-11 p.m. visit here.

4. Visit an Apple Orchard

Fishkill Farms

There's nothing more romantic than a basket full of apples, amiright?

Opening Saturday, September 2nd, Masker Orchards has been providing apple picking enjoyment for more than 100 years! Can you image how many lovers have visited this lush countryside of Granny Smith's in that amount of time?

Maskers is located two hours from Manhattan in Warwick, so you'll have plenty of time to engage in some prime-time deep relationship convo in the car (or Metro-North train).

Admission and parking are FREE and it will cost you a mere $28.95 to fill up a cutesy bag of apples or $3.95 for a jug of cider. Yummmm.

For more fun, pop over to Applejack's Orchard for 18 varieties of apples, hay mazes, a petting zoo, and...wait for it...cider donuts. 

5. Speaking of Cider...

Cider Week NYC

While you and your honey are thinking about all those apples, you can kick yourselves off into basic fall territory at the Cider Week Finger Lakes festival September 29-October 8 in downtown Ithaca.

Featuring drool-worthy events like Meet the Cider Makers and a Farm Tour of Black Diamond Farm, there's absolutely no way you're not getting a second date I mean come on.

This year, New York's best craftsmen and women are brewing up some of the tastiest local batches and we are definitely sampling every. single. one.  

6. Try Your Hand at AcroYoga

Om Factory

We're sure you've seen the trending Insta-worthy photos of couples doing all kinds of wacky s**t in their yoga attire. Are we jealous? A little. But you will not be disappointed with this adventurous date idea.


Om Factory offers the "joyful blending of yoga, acrobatics and healing arts" in their Beginner Workshops. For $35 on Saturdays you can join Linda Mittel for AcroYoga 101 and put your relationship (and trust!) to the test.

7. Get Your Mitts on a Six-Day Pie Party


What's more romantic than a bag of apples and a jug of cider? An apple pie covered in apples and smothered in cider. Ok, JK. Like any pie or dessert item created by Dominique Ansel.

We don't know if you know this, but for six days in September, Dominique Ansel Bakery will be serving up unlimited pie heaven for $50 a ticket. 

Don't worry about the unsightly food baby you're going to have after this date. If he doesn't love you at your Pie Night then he doesn't deserve you at your 30-day Cleanse. 

The possibilities are endless this September for your dating life! What are you waiting for? Get out there and swipe!

[Feature Image Courtesy Creative Commons] 

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