#CoolinOutCoolinOut: Best Ways to Get the Most Out of a Laid Back Sunday Funday in NYC

We'd like to think that our weekends will be full of dope parties, awesome concerts, and swanky bars. And, yeah, on occasion, they are. New York City has given us some of the best weekends of our lives, hands down. 

But the majority of the time, our weekends end up involving a lot of couch time, Netflix-watching, and Seamless-ordering. 

And honestly, we're pretty okay with that. Especially when the weather is absolutely refusing to get it's sh*t together. 

This weekend, there's plenty of stuff to keep us entertaining while we hibernate in our apartments until the weather stays above 65 degrees for more than a day at a time, or leave us drenched to the bone in rain. 

Stumped on what to watch/read/listen to to pass the time? Well, lucky for you, we've compiled a list of all the best entertainment to take advantage of in the coming days. 

You can also check out our all new Culture section, which we've just launched and are super excited about. We'll be featuring stuff like Game of Thrones recaps, roundups of the best theatre in the city, and our forthcoming coverage of Governors Ball (WE CANNOT WAIT). 

Read on to discover this weekend's best in entertainment. 

To watch:

1. The Nice Guys

If you don't like Ryan Gosling, you need to seriously reevaluate your life. Honestly. We've been waiting in eager anticipation for Gos's latest flick, a neo-noir mystery comedy that he stars in alongside Russell Crowe. 

They star as an unlikely pair of detectives who are working together to solve the case of a missing woman, a concept which seems quite somber, but in actuality involves a great deal of hilarity. 


The film premieres on May 20th, so catch it on opening weekend and get in on all the buzz about it that will inevitably occur around the water cooler on Monday morning. 

2. Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising 

Sure, the concept of this movie is almost as ridiculous as its expectation that audiences believe Zac Efron is college-aged. (Come on, dude, your 8 year gap between a high school film and a college one is a dead giveaway.) 

But Efron, along with Rose Byrne, Seth Rogan, and Chloe Grace Moretz, take a silly script and elevate it to a comedic level that only this group could.

3. NBA

Okay, so playoffs are heating up. Sort of. Okay, so definitely out West when you get Chef Curry dropping 15 points in just under 2 minutes. That's dope. 

Out East it's a little underwhelming. The Raptors just can't keep up. The Cavs are just too good. Maybe it has something to do with LeBron, maybe it has something to do with Lowry and DeRozan needing a third player better than them to elevate them. Either way, they've hit the ceiling. Hard. 

You can check out a game for each series on Saturday and Sunday. You can definitely count on Sunday's game between the Warriors and the Thunder to be much better. 

4. Mr. Robot 

This Golden Globe-winning USA series is not any ordinary drama. 

It explores issues that are seriously prevalent in our society, such as mental illness and internet security (or lack thereof). 

The entirety of season 1 is available on Amazon Prime, so catch up on all the nail-biting goodness (courtesy the absurdly talented cast), before season 2 returns this July. 

To listen: 

5. Black Pistol Fire

As part of our ongoing coverage for Governors Ball, we're sitting down with bands you might not have heard of. Black Pistol Fire is one of those bands.

If you're going, you need to educate yourself. If you're not going, it's worth reading up on them and then tuning into them. 

Black Pistol Fire is pretty rad blues-rocker duo that's got a similar vibe to a similar band like The Black Keys. These guys rock a little harder though. Even if The Black Keys association is fitting, it's important to make the distinction. These are not those boys. 

Also, their new album Don't Wake the Riot just dropped today. It's pretty sick. You can find it on Apple Music, SoundCloud, you know, wherever you generally consume music. Except Tidal. Nobody uses Tidal. 

6. Public Access T.V. 

This post-punk, new wave band burst onto the New York City scene when they released their first track in January of 2014. 

They've spent the last two years touring the U.S. and Europe, in addition to dropping their E.P. and various singles in anticipation of their forthcoming debut album. 


We'll be spending the weekend listening and re-listening to their tracks in preparation for their appearance at Gov Ball next month. We also got the chance to sit down with the band and discuss their music, influences, and much more, which you can read right here.

To read:

7. The Opposite of Loneliness 


It's graduation season, and whether or not you or someone close to you is receiving a diploma, this time of year is bound to bring on waves of nostalgia (thanks, Timehop). 

Curl up this weekend with one of our all time favorite, albeit heartbreaking, reads, The Opposite of Loneliness. The book is a collection of essays written by Marina Keegan, a unbelievably talented writer and student at Yale University who was tragically killed in a car crash days after her graduation in 2012. 

The book was compiled by Keegan's friends and family after her death, and is named for her final contribution to The Yale Daily News, an essay that quickly gained considerable attention for its incredible poignancy. 

Make sure to keep a box of tissues handy. 

Check out 5 Can't Miss Events Going Down in NYC This Weekend.

[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

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