Twerkin' for the Weekend: 7 Most Amazing Things to Do in NYC This First Weekend of 2017

It's only fitting that the weekend with multiple pants-less events would attract a snowstorm to New York City.

We're not going to let you hibernate though. Nope. 

Not gon' be able to do it! Tie on your boots and bundle up because there's too much fun to be missed across the city.

You can even keep your pants on for a few of these.

Also, remember, the best way to generate body heat is by– uh, well, the second  best way is by dancing. 

Stay warm, NYC!

Friday, January 6th

1. El Museo del Barrio’s 40th Annual Three Kings Day


This annual celebration to honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the Latino community is celebrating turning the big 4-0! This year, El Museo del Barrio will be hosting a parade featuring music, dancing, puppets, CAMELS, and more!

So basically, just come to East Harlem on the 6th for the music, but stay for the f*cking CAMELS. I don't know what is going to happen with/to/at/for the camels, but I am here for it.


The parade route begins on 106th Street and Lexington Avenue and ends on 115th Street and Park Avenue. Several camels were harmed in the making of this listicle (Editor's Note: No. ZERO camels were harmed. They're safe. At the crib. Just chillin').

2. House of Yes Turns One


Can you believe that Brooklyn's nightlife staple is only turning ONE this year?! To celebrate and thank everyone who kept them going, they're hosting an epic free dance party. Their resident DJs will be spinning tunes from 10 p.m. until 4 a.m.

Remember, you can get in for FREE all night if you RSVP– so go do that.

3. Book Swap Party


Need some new reading material? Grab a copy of a book, whether it's new, used, whatever– as long as you think it's worth reading—and bring it to New Women Space in Brooklyn to exchange it for someone else's old reading.

There will be also be a raffle for self-published works by local WOC authors, an open discussion, and a donation-based open bar. Meet some fellow book lovers! Get your ticket here.

Saturday, January 7th

4. Party Like It's 1999: 20 Years of Wannabe Edition

For the 20th anniversary of the Spice Girls' first single (feeling f*cking old yet?), celebrate at The Bell House in Brooklyn's epic '90s dance party. They'll be serving up shots inspired by the girls themselves.

Best part? It's FREE. It'll probz be too cold to rock that tube top in the back of your drawer, but it's always a good time for platform shoes. 

5. Bottomless! Pants Off Dance Off


We're not sure what it is about January, but NYC really wants you to take off your clothes. If you can't make it to their bday bash on Friday, House of Yes' pants-less dance party starts at 10 p.m. and rocks on until 4 a.m.

If you're worried about freezing your butt off (or subway germs, that close to your bare *ahem*), don't worry—you can arrive fully clothed, then use their convenient, free Pants-Check to shed your lower garments and inhibitions.

They will also be hosting Butt-Jazzling (can't wait to find out what THAT means), a Spank Station, and an Underwear Boutique, each of which is pretty self-explanatory.

It's also noted that grabbing or touching—let along spanking, is def not allowed without some enthusiastic consent from the other party. Seriously, do you wanna get thrown out on your bare ass? #ConsentIsSexy

Sunday, January 8th

6. No Pants Subway Ride 2017


K, we swear, this is the last pants-off-thing on this list, but how could we (or you) skip the infamous No-Pants Subway Ride? It's the 16th anniversary of the No Pants Subway Ride which is... pretty self-explanatory. 

You take off your pants and ride the subway.


But if you don't want to be a PERV about it, you do it in a group and you subscribe here, so you can be in the know on where to meet up with other like-minded pants-less wonders!

7. globalFEST


GlobalFEST's mission is to bring down cultural, social, and political boundaries between countries through art. The tours and cultural exchanges that result from their showcases have built a vast audience for world music, and increased international collaboration.

This year's globalFEST, at Webster Hall, will feature 3 stages and 12 artists, from Ghana, Venezuala, Estonia, Argentina, Korea, and more.

Get your tickets here!

[Feature Image Courtesy AMNY] 

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