You might have had a sh*tty 2016, but New York City certainly didn't. 

We already knew that this year was going to be record breaking for tourism– this year being the first time the total number of NYC tourists exceeded 60 million.

The final number, 60.3 million, is 600,000 visitors higher than what was originally estimated for 2016, and 1.8 million more than 2015. 

So if you've felt like your midtown commute was tougher than ever this year, you were probably right.

As reported by Curbed NY, the Mayor's Office has pointed out that while we New Yorkers might be irritated with the foot traffic, more tourists also means more jobs– travel and tourism is responsible for 375,000 jobs in NYC and 15,000 employment opportunities just this year.

Suck it, Carrier.

It's also no surprise that in 2017, these numbers will only grow higher, so try to hold on to your seats on the subway.


Right now, NYC & Company predicts that NYC will host 61.8 million tourists this year, but who knows what the actual final number would be?

48.7 million people are projected to be domestic travelers, with 13.1 million international visitors.


Selfie-stick congestion combined with the unprecedented (excuse us, unpresidented) traffic that we're gonna have around a certain tower? 

All we can say is, good luck to all of us.

[via Curbed NY] [Feature Image Courtesy NYCGo] 

