Every time we’ve ever moved, we’ve always had that same daunting moment of, "Holy sh*t! How did I just cram so much in here?!" a moment generally only separated by a year from, "Holy sh*t! How am I going to get all of this out?!"
Generally speaking, moving can be a terrifying experience, especially when you’re moving from one tiny apartment to another.
Burrow is the modular couch that you buy online, get shipped to your door—in a few boxes, and neither have to spend hours figuring just how in the hell you're going to put it together nor risk life and limb just to move it with you.
Of course, moving has its perks: you're in a better apartment, a better neighborhood, you've got a closer commute to work, and sure, maybe you're right down the block from a dope bodega you'll likely frequent on a daily basis.
Still, it’s a process, and the struggle is real. The biggest headache?
Definitely moving furniture—specifically the ungodly mess that is moving a giant couch out the door, down the stairs, into the truck, back up the stairs of the new apartment, through the doorway—it's a mess.
But that's why there's Burrow.
Burrow is the modular couch that you buy online, get shipped to your door—in a few boxes, and neither have to spend hours figuring just how in the hell you're going to put it together nor risk life and limb just to move it with you.
It takes less than 10 minutes to assemble, less time to breakdown, and it's got spill-resistant, pet friendly, and chemical-free fabrics that make everything after the move even better.
Oh, and with the USB port and outlet right at the bottom, you can plug that bad boy right into the wall.
Ultimately, the move is probably worth it in the end. It's just that whole "Getting to the End of It All" that's absolute hell.
1. Packing up your junk

It’s pretty remarkable really, how much crap you can fit in a closet-sized apartment. It’s like the real life version of Hermione's purse or Dr. Who's little phone booth—it's bigger on the inside... sort of.
But unfortunately you've taken that discovery of unexplored spaces too far so you're stuck with a gazillion towels you’ve somehow amassed, your entire high school wardrobe (for someday!) mismatched cutlery, hundreds of books you're definitely going to read—and soon, and way too many DVDs (who even buys those anymore?!).
Godspeed if you're not going to think twice about donating some of that crap.
2. The great couch dilemma
We know what you're thinking. "But I found this couch in subpar condition from a really decent guy on Craigslist and there's only one tiny stain you can barely see. How will I ever replace it?"
You know what to do.
3. So. Many. Boxes.

Yup. Look what you did. You packed up all of your junk—even the stuff you know better than to just carry with you to another apartment—and now you've got a million boxes to move into a truck or van small fleet of cars.
But even before that, you had to find the boxes like you're some kind of Pokemon master hunting down unsoiled cardboard next to dumpsters or sidewalk trash bins.
At least you've got your boxes! Isn't it always amazing how big these boxes turn out to be when you're trying to squeeze them through a doorway?
Burrow’s boxes are doorway proof (yes, that’s a real thing they’ve thought about for you). They’re compact and light - which make them easy to bring around. More than that, they’re not excessive.
And since Burrow lets you be the master of your own couch cushion destiny (you can literally have 300 seats if you wanted), they don’t give you more than you need. You want a couch with three seats? That’s only four, small and sleek boxes shipped to you for free.
4. The breakdown
Okay, so everything is in literally every box ever made, and you have some more space. Now it’s it time to break down every piece of furniture you can—arguably vying for that unenviable spot as The Worst Part of Moving.
The process is extra infuriating if you, like us, are far from Bob The Builder level handiness.
Beds aren't ever too bad. You know this. Your dresser can be broken down pretty easily (pro-tip: Don't even think about packing up the clothes. Just leave them in the dresser drawers. You're welcome).
Your TV stand and dining room (or whatever room you keep the table you eat at) table are more of a heavy lifting obstacle, and so are the bookshelves (for the most part).
But that couch... It's either immovable or similarly impossible to breakdown. So, you've got a dilemma: does it stay, or does it go?
One word answer: Burrow.
Burrow couches are sleek, stylish, easy to assemble, and comfortable enough that you probably won’t get up until you accidentally finish binge-crying through the entire season of This Is Us at your new apartment.
It's the couch that will neither taunt you with its sheer size and awful design nor make you feel like a complete moron for not knowing how to translate Swedish meatballs into actionable instructions.
Need a guarantee that it's not only the easy solution, but the right solution? They gotchu. You get 100 days to decide if Burrow's couch—that comes shipped right to your door in a few boxes—is right for you.
So, at least when you're ready to throw that TV stand out the window in pure frustration, you can chill on your couch?
5. Wait, where is everything?

Now that you’ve gotten everything from one place to the other, it's time to unpack. This isn’t like that vacation you took six months ago that you have yet to empty your suitcase from: you need to de-clutter.
But at some point you in all likelihood abandoned your Sharpie (can't read your own handwriting anyway) and just stopped labeling boxes altogether. Or, worse, EVERYTHING SAYS "FRAGILE."
Box of towels? Fragile. Box of dishes? Fragile. Shoes? Fragile. Books? Fragile. WTF were you thinking?!
Worse, still? Your phone is about to die, and if you can't angry-dance/unpack to Queen Bey, how the hell are you ever going to get through this hell? Oh, you can't find the forever-in-hiding bottom piece for your phone charger? Oh, you only have the USB cord?!
You're not alone. Your Burrow couch has a power outlet with a USB adapter, so instead of ripping through this endless sea of misnamed fragility, you can plug your phone right into your couch.
Also, maybe plug in a lamp because extra light is helpful in these moments.
6. House-warming party

Congratulations! You’ve successfully finished moving into your 4th floor walk up! It’s time for some celebratory booze. You invite your closest friends over to admire your gorgeously furnished and organized new digs for a housewarming party of epic proportions.
Things are going great until midnight hits and things dissolve into the unfortunate and tiresome rowdy fracas where Bobby (you've got to stop inviting him places) comes barreling into the living room, flings himself onto the couch, and spills beer all over the cushions.
Shock. Horror. Anger.
Keep calm. You've leveled up your domesticity. Burrow couches are made with spill-resistant fabric so your life isn’t over—so long as you don't just sit there and watch it sink into the couch. Still, it's probably best to think twice before inviting Bobby over again.
Fall in Love with the Newest Member of the Living Room Family & Shop Burrow Right Here.