Rest in peace, N train. Really, though, nine stops off the N train are shut down in Brooklyn starting on Monday, a development that comes amidst a slew of other subway shutdowns-- 30 stations, to be precise.
Governor Cuomo proposed these dreadful shutdowns to spruce up the stations with new signs, lighting, and navigation touch screens. The MTA also plans to make the MetroCard obsolete by 2018.
The MTA also recently announced that it's considering shutting down service between Manhattan and Brooklyn on the L line to patch up flood damages still plaguing the line after Hurricane Sandy.
Suffice it to say that getting around New York City is going to be much harder in the next couple of years than it was in the last couple of years.
We do hope that when all's said and done and the stations open their doors again, the MTA will return them to us much shinier and more functional than they were when they took them. Still, obviously, we're upset that they're taking them at all.
If the shutdown happens, Manhattan-bound L trains will end at Bedford Avenue. So people in Brooklyn will be able to get around Brooklyn, but they won't be able to come to Manhattan on the L and people in Manhattan will have to find another way to get to Brooklyn.
Due to the scope of the L train's impact, we figured a eulogy was in order. Here's what we'll miss off the L line if the L train is shutdown. If you work for MTA and are reading this, please find another way.
1. Commuting to work
We're especially upset about the L train. More than 300,000 New Yorkers rely on the L train for their daily commute, and those 300,000 New Yorkers will basically be SOL when (and if) the L train shutdown is implemented.
As it is, the L train is one of the most crowded trains every morning. Hoards of Brooklyn residents have to battle their way onto trains, just to stand in a situation where they can hardly breathe, to get to their jobs every day.
So how will these hundreds of thousands get to work when the L train closes?
MTA says they'd increase M service, add two cars to G trains, and run a system of shuttle buses. It doesn't sound like much of a solution to us, so we'll be over here trying to invent teleportation devices if you need us.
2. Brooklyn Bowl (61 Wythe Avenue)

greeels A view from the kit of the sold out crowd @houseofindependents thanks to @thetelemarketer this past Friday night @lightofdayfoundation Winter Fest 2016 Asbury Park, NJ ππΌπΆ **Check out our next two upcoming shows & get your tix online now!: ~Fri. 2/19 @brooklynbowl (Brooklyn, NY) @lagunitasbeer Presents @funkybigsam >>> ~Fri. 3/11 @ardmoremusichall (Ardmore, PA) w/ @rrtfb >>> π·: @thetelemarketer #nikgreeleyandtheoperators #houseofindependents #brooklynbowl #ardmoremusichall
What's Brooklyn Bowl, you ask? Oh, nothing. Just the coolest idea anyone ever thought of.
Brooklyn Bowl hosts nationally renowned bands, serves some of the most delicious craft beers you've ever tried, and legendary Blue Ribbon fried chicken. Plus, you get to bowl while you're knee deep in all this amazingness.
The other best part of Brooklyn Bowl? Oh yeah. It's super easily accessible by subway. All you had to do to get there was take a quick trip on the L train and get off at the Bedford Avenue Station.
Actually, we should probably have a moment of silence for the Bedford Avenue station in general. There are so many special bars and restaurants clustered by that station.
Get to Brooklyn Bowl now before you have to get there by shuttle bus or whatever excuse for transportation the MTA will use to placate us.
3. Music Hall of Williamsburg (66 North 6th Street)

pmstuff212 Bully in red #bully #nashville #band #punk #rock #atouchofcountry #musichallofwilliamsburg #brooklyn #indie #indiemusic
Music Hall of Williamsburg is one of the best concert venues in all of NYC.
It's got three floors, a downstairs, a main floor, and a balcony. All three levels have their own bars, so your cup will never run dry.
They also have a really lovely lounge area on the balcony, which makes it really easy to stalk your favorite stars after they're finished performing. Have we done this? If we had, we'd never admit it.
The Music Hall of Williamsburg hosts killer performances by famous musicians in a venue that's big enough to be a party but intimate enough that you feel a part of something special.
It's also two stops away from the Bedford Avenue station. When the L train shuts down we're going to have to take the G train to Metropolitan Avenue and walk much longer, and it's going to suck.
4. Brooklyn booty calls

myflirtyqwerty I think I'll just stay in tonight and wait for your booty call. #datenight #YFB #bootycalls
Okay, obviously we're not going to suffer under the tyranny of no Brooklyn booty calls. Maybe "Bushwick booty calls" would've been a better title for this section.
The truth of the matter is that so many people rely on the L train to get laid. If you live in the East Village, it's been pretty easy to strike up a steamy romance with someone from Williamsburg to Bushwick, and even all the way out to Canarsie if you're ambitious.
Now, we guess everyone in Brooklyn is just going to have to hook up with each other. Since everyone knows New Yorkers hate long distance relationships, and having to do multiple subway transfers and a lot of walking definitely qualifies as "long distance."
5. Brooklyn Winery (213 North 8th Street - Brooklyn)

yaelleah What a beautiful setting for my first wedding of 2016! #weddingsbyyael #weddingofficiant #wedding #brooklynwedding #brooklynwinery #nycweddingofficiant #nycwedding #elenadan2016
Brooklyn Winery is a gorgeous, intimate spot for people to come get drunk on fancy wine, and eat plates of cured olives, Brussels sprouts, and charcuterie.
They make their own wine, obviously, and they also brew craft beers. If you spend your day pouring Brooklyn Winery's cold, sparkling wine down your throat while munching on chicken, fried cauliflower, shrimp, meat and cheese, it's a good day.
It's an even better day if you spend the day eating, drinking, laughing and dancing. We would definitely suggest experiencing the convenience of getting to Brooklyn Winery from the Bedford Avenue Station while you still can. It's like four steps away.
,6. Knitting Factory (361 Metropolitan Avenue - Brooklyn)
Okay, fine, you can take the G train to Metropolitan Avenue to get to the Knitting Factory and it's basically just as fast. But aren't we allowed to be sad about losing a whole train of access to the Knitting Factory's excellence?
We think we are because for some of us, getting to the G train isn't that easy. Some of us have to take a 7 to Queens and switch to the G.
So for those of us who aren't ready to endure the hassle of taking two, possibly three trains to get to the Knitting Factory, their free Sunday night comedy shows and $5 burger-and-beer weekday deals might become a thing of the past while the L is down.
7. Heavy Woods (50 Wyckoff Avenue - Brooklyn)

lynnkimdo Fried Chicken Biscuits? Pork Belly Cracklin'? Magical quiche? Gimme, gimme! π΄ #brunch #heavywoods #brooklyneats
If you haven't spent the night partying at Heavy Woods, you should capitalize on it while you can.
It's one block away from the Jefferson Street stop off the L train, and it's got delicious food and $3 PBRs.
Yes, $3 PBRs means trouble. It means someone might fall off their chair for no reason at all. They've also got really great pork and crab po boys. We know they're not as good as New Orleans po boys or whatever, but to our East Coast palates they're amazing.
For cheap drinks and delicious Cajun food, Heavy Woods is where it's at. It's just another one of those Brooklyn gems that's about to bite the dust.
8. City Reliquary Museum (370 Metropolitan Avenue - Brooklyn)
City Reliquary is definitely one of those places you'd only ever find in Brooklyn. We mean that in the absolute best way. Brooklyn is quirky and eclectic and special, as is City Reliquary.
It's got a visual history of burlesque, a subway turnstile from the 1950s, and it sells Brooklyn beers from a cooler for $3 on the honor system. Like we said, only in Brooklyn.
It's got pieces of stone from famous buildings, and a really pretty garden in the back. It's also about a block away from the Lorimer Street stop off the L. Once again, you could take the G to Metropolitan Avenue, but that's not really good enough.
9. Nitehawk Cinema (136 Metropolitan Avenue - Brooklyn)

musicianwarrior Second sold out show for our Grease show at the Nitehawk starting now! #music #nitehawkcinema #grease #elchicoblanco #musician #greaseistheword
Eating hot, delicious food while tossing back cold, delicious craft beers in a movie theater? Only in Brooklyn, right?
Well, soon you'll be able to do get drunk in movie theaters in other locations in the city, but Nitehawk Cinema is definitely a trailblazer first-of-its-kind sort of thing. They've got artsy indie movies as well as blockbusters, and a really relaxed, party vibe.
It's a great place for a date, especially since it's four blocks from the L's Bedford Avenue station. Go while you can still get there with ease.
Check out 8 Things We'll Miss Most When the N Line Shuts Down.
[Feature Image Courtesy Gawker]