If you love good defense, then you probably loved Super Bowl 50; two stellar quarterbacks unable to get things going because of stifling coverage, impeccable tackling, and incredible brawls in the trenches of the line of scrimmage. 

If you hate defense, you were probably looking forward to halftime, but that's where it gets really tricky because, surprisingly, Coldplay is a polarizing band. If you love Coldplay, you loved the first 10 minutes but then hated halftime as a whole because it wasn't really about Coldplay. 

It was about Beyoncé and Bruno Mars, which, if we're being honest, was better than we could have hoped for, and every Super Bowl halftime show from here on out should be required to have some form of dance off. 

Remember, depending on how you feel about Coldplay, this halftime show was either incredible or just awful. Somebody who thought it was unspeakably egregious? Well, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani certainly thought so. 

“This is football, not Hollywood, and I thought it was really outrageous that she used it as a platform to attack police officers who are the people who protect her and protect us, and keep us alive,” Giuliani told Fox News.

To be fair, the "Formation" music video takes a stance on police in that Bey uses a small black child in a hoodie surrounded by police officers with graffiti that reads: "Stop Shooting Us." No element of that was on the field, but Giuliani kept talking. 

“And what we should be doing in the African-American community, and all communities, is build up respect for police officers, and focus on the fact that when something does go wrong, okay, we’ll work on that." 

Of course, it'd be weird if Giuliani was the only person upset with how the halftime show went down. 

Fellow New Yorker and Republican Congressman Peter King also had an issue with it, taking to Facebook to say, "Her pro-Black Panther and anti-cop video `Formation’ and her Super Bowl appearance is just one more example of how acceptable it has become to be anti-police."


We have a few objective observations here. 

Artists using public platforms to convey messages of social conscience and responsibility is a good thing. This year's halftime show, capping off the first week of Black History Month, had 115.5 million viewers, the most at any point in the largest, most expensive sporting event of the year. 

“You’re talking to middle America when you have the Super Bowl. So if you’re going to have entertainment, have decent, wholesome entertainment and not use it as a platform to attack people,” Giuliani, still speaking, told Fox News.

d_moore_419 I'm still holding my chin 🤔 #Beyonce #RudyGiuliani #ShutTheFUpForeva #BHM #BlackLivesMatter

With 115.5 million viewers, you're undoubtedly talking to more than just middle America, and with 115.5 million viewers watching ads that range anywhere from strange snack food addictions, drinking heavily, or having sex immediately after the game, we're not prepared to say the audience craves "wholesome" entertainment. 

We won't even touch on CTE, player safety, Aqib Talib's sickeningly unsafe face mask penalty, or even the incredible detail that went into the choreography and performance of Beyoncé's vision. 

We're not going to touch the idea that King and Giuliani are essentially saying, "There's a time and a place for social justice movements. Football ain't one of them," or that the implication of them saying such only reaffirms the mythical "institutional racism" that nobody can actually agree as to whether or not it exists. 


We're not going to touch #OscarsSoWhite, Cam Newton's "lack of leadership in a post-game press conference," the idea that Giuliani is in a place where he can advise what African-American communities need to focus on, or even that we need to explain to Giuliani what dancing is.

“I don’t know what the heck it was. A bunch of people bouncing around and all strange things. It was terrible,” Giuliani said. “Actually don’t even know why we have this. I mean, this is football.” Stick to Coldplay then, Giuliani. We're actually wondering why Chris Martin kept spinning around. Over and over.

We won't even touch the idea that the Super Bowl Halftime show is a huge source of ad revenue, and that to deny advertisers to seek any and every opportunity to make money off a highly publicized event (again, 115.5 million viewers) is-- no, we're not going to touch that. 

Instead, one last observation: asking an institution intended to protect citizens; one that has repeatedly failed to do so (the police), to either hold themselves accountable or reexamine and reform, is not being anti-institution. It's the duty of a responsible American. 

Also, we're stoked for Beyoncé making a stop at Citi Field this June, and you can get your tickets here

Check out Beyoncé Just Announced Her World Tour Will Perform in NYC This June

[via CBS New York] [Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] 

