8 Reasons You'd Have to Be an Absolute Idiot to Ever Move Out of NYC

Sometimes, people live in New York City, and then they leave. Do we understand this?

No, we totally don't understand this. For one thing, they'll miss out on the most delicious, most underpriced, most expertly concocted bodega sandwiches.

They'll also be missing out on the glam and grit, the beauty and terror of NYC.

Yes, NYC can be a hard place to live, but in living here it--it makes us so much... stronger. 

We're forced to confront our fears on a daily basis. We're forced to stare down our dreams, and in being in such proximity to so much creativity and success, well, it rubs off.

In NYC, we learn that if we don't stick up for ourselves, no one else will. That if we want something enough, we can have it if we're willing to put in the hustle.

So yeah, we love NYC. Want to know why we'd never leave? Read on to find out.

1. You won't know whether restaurants are good

michaelromei NYC UES luncheon @__amaranth cozy European bistro fashionable @michaelromei @carlosmeliablog with brother Carlos UES luncheon today #nycrestaurants #restaurantguru #foodguru #chefconciergewaldorfastorianyc #madisonavenue

When you leave NYC and you try to go out to eat somewhere, there isn't a handy "A," "B" or even the dreaded "C" plastered in a restaurant's window.

So how do these people know whether this restaurant is worthy of their patronage before they step foot in the door?


Honestly, that totally beats us. To us, when we see that trusted "A" in the window, we know the Health Department has bestowed their stamp of approval on this restaurant. Which is good enough for us.

When we're out in the wilderness in a place that is not NYC, we're always very confused about how to know which restaurants we should and shouldn't eat in.

2. You'll have to worry about designated drivers

girlwithnojob Pro tip: don't believe me if i ever offer to be ur designated driver (found on @Ponder, download now!)

One of our favorite parts about nightlife in NYC is the fact that we never, ever have to worry about how we're going to operate our vehicle after pounding shots.

Drunk driving is the worst, but as New Yorkers, it's not something we have to worry about. We have the trusty subway, trusty taxis, and that trusty company called Uber that flocks near every street corner in the city.

When you're not within the confines of NYC, though, you have to choose someone amongst your group of friends to remain sober for the night, so they can take car of transporting everyone home. Can we get a huge "no thanks"?

3. You'll have to find parking spots

podaboutnothing That apartment life, and the weekly decision to give or not give Joey a parking spot when he comes to record...Join us tonight, around 10:30 pm pst on mixlr.com/podaboutnothing

Plus, you'll have to sit in red lights, operate a vehicle, and pay car insurance. Plus, all the other hassles that come along with using a car, like pumping gas.

We complain about the subway a lot, but at least on the subway we can read a book. At least we never have to worry about parking the subway once it gets us to our destinations.


If you've ever been in a situation where you were late, and you couldn't find a parking spot, you know that is one terrible situation.

As New Yorkers, we get to avoid that particular woe entirely. Which, we have to say, is a big win for us.

4. Where will you get hotdogs?

missflirt_ When in Rome... Or in NY. 🗽#tbt #nychotdogs

Or Halal? Or bagels from coffee carts in the morning?

The short answer? You won't. When you want food from the outside world, you'll have to go to the grocery store and prepare it yourself.

Either that, or you'll have to pull your car into a parking lot and do that dreaded "searching for a parking spot" thing we talked about earlier.

Then, you'll have to put your car in park, lock the door, get out of the car, and walk into the store and order your food. Sounds like a giant hassle, if you ask us.

Oh, also, being able to get food delivered to your doorstep at any hour of the day will definitely become a thing of the past.


5. You'll have to actually go to the gym

girlwithnojob Via @boywithnojob

Okay, we know that plenty of New Yorkers do exercise.

Still, in NYC we walk more than anyone else in the country, so for those of us who are just far to busy working hard and partying hard and sleeping hard to hit the gym, we have a perfectly crafted excuse.


We walk more than anyone else, so we don't actually have to go to the gym.

When you don't live in the city and you get everywhere by sitting in a car and pushing a pedal, you definitely need to make time for the gym. Just saying.

6. You'll have to... pay for concerts?

miniemandem #walkthemoon #shutupanddancewithme #centralpark #nycsummerstage #nyclife

Gasp! In NYC, the city puts on a ton of free concerts with Central Park Summerstage all summer long.

They also put on a ton of free plays with Shakespeare in the Parks. There are free water slides and bikes and rollerblades with Summer Streets, and plenty of free canoeing and kayaking with the North Brooklyn Boat Club and the Downtown Boathouse.

Plus, there are outdoor movies, outdoor talks and lectures, and free outdoor exercise classes.

The city comes alive with free, incredible events in the summer, and if you don't live here, we're thinking you actually have to pay for all your fun which, to be clear, we're really, really not into.

7. You have to go out before 12 a.m.

nyonair @tutes | @flynyon NY 🚁📷💥

Yeah, guess what. Aside from the ability to visit millions of bars in NYC, sometimes seven different bars in as many nights, our bars are opened much later than other bars in the country.

Most bars in other parts of the country close at 2 a.m.


Our jungle-like, insane, mildly chaotic bars and clubs? Yeah, these are open until 4 a.m. We have plenty of time to come home after our daily outings, eat dinner, cuddle with our dogs and roommates and significant others, nap, and then go out.

In other places, you'll have to eliminate at least two of those activities after your daily routine before hitting the bars which is ... lame.

8. Hanging out on rooftops

brie_babiii I'm in a New York State of Mind 🗽🏙 #nycrooftop

Okay, we're aware you can hang out on rooftops in other cities, and that these rooftops might actually have pretty incredible views.

However, we'd bring our rooftop views up against any other rooftop views, any day.

We've got those unbelievably beautiful rivers, those architecturally complex skyscrapers, and those super tall residential buildings that make for especially breathtaking rooftop sights.

This is especially true if you live in Queens or Brooklyn, and you get to gaze across the river at that Manhattan skyline misted by distance.

If you have rooftop access in Queens or Brooklyn ... can we come over?

Check out 9 Reasons We're Excited for Springtime in NYC. 

[Feature Image Courtesy Elite Daily] 

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