Because NYC Weather's Totally Unpredictable, Poncho Just Launched the Most Amazing Weather App Ever

It should go without saying that the weather here in New York City is… eh, sadly, temperamental? Bipolar? Finicky? Persnickety? We won’t go as far as to suggest that it’s unpredictable because, well, science.

But even if it’s not entirely unpredictable, it is entirely obnoxious. You could be freezing in the morning, dripping with sweat by lunch, and then drowning in a torrential downpour just in time for dinner. That’s just the way it works out.

So how are you supposed to “dress for the weather?” The answer is simple. It’s the new Poncho app.

With Poncho you get personalized, quirky weather updates from the moment you wake up, to the second before you leave the office at night.

Because that’s one of the first things you do when you wake up, right? Aside from hitting the snooze button a couple of times, scouring your social network feeds for any and all updates, you check the weather, right?


Poncho actually wakes you up with weather updates. 

Instead of an inane, blaring noise or elevator type bossa nova, electric wind chimes, or some other similarly infuriating song, your first taste of the day’s weather is a song tailored to the forecast.

But NYC weather changes all the time. The streets on the UWS have a distinct climate from that of the subways in Brooklyn. What happens when wind patterns devolve into blustery hellscapes, the sky falls out, and you’re left ill-prepared for when you leave the office later in the day?

Well, you’re not as ill-equipped as you thought. With Poncho you can personalize your weather alerts so you get an update whenever you need it. Lunch break? Now you know if you need that raincoat. Leaving for the day? Now you know if you need an umbrella.

With Poncho you get personalized, quirky weather updates from the moment you wake up, to the second before you leave the office at night.

Dressing for the weather in NYC is more than actually getting dressed in the morning. It’s being prepared for entirely different types of weather at any given moment in the day. It’s not completely predictable because, well, science, but it’s much more manageable with Poncho.

You can tell what kind of people don’t check the weather. They’re the ones using newspapers as umbrellas. 

If they knew there was a way that would wake them up and let them know it was raining, they’d probably use it. Maybe their office doesn't have windows and they didn't know rain was coming.

Well, it’s here, and it’s ready for your iPhone. Download the Poncho app here.

For all of your weather update needs, check out the Poncho app right here

[Feature Image Courtesy Instagram] [Feature Image Courtesy Vivienne Gucwa] 

