Pokemon Go Is Making Restaurants and Bars All Across NYC Some Serious Bank! | spoiled NYC

Are you playing Pokemon Go yet? No? Well, what the hell is wrong with you? The app has been around for a week and while it has become a cultural phenomenon we finally just got a Pikachu today.

The game already has more people on it than some popular apps, caused crime and there is even a bar crawl coming so you can hunt for Pokemon and drink your way through Brooklyn.

The idea for that bar crawl is that people will explore random neighborhoods, get their drink on, and spend money in local businesses. But now, it seems that many other businesses are realizing the potential of Pokemon Go.

Restaurants and bars are already making more money because of Pokemon Go - and there is potential to even make more by using the games in-app purchases.

The reason for the sudden surge of people standing outside or inside that dive bar you went to once and drank to much is because the game features Poke Stops. 

These locations provide players with a chance to gain items and may use an item to lure Pokemon to that location as well.

Players can get the item that lures Pokemon by either leveling up or purchasing it through the games in-app purchases. 

So, restaurants and bars could see a major boost of businesses just by setting these up. Plus, the cost makes it absolutely worth it.


In fact, some businesses have already seen a 10% increase in overall business since the game came out. Seriously, it'd be silly not to jump on this trend that seems to be way more than just a trend at this point.

While people are looking to lure Pokemon, businesses should be trying to lure customers by promising a chance to see a Snorlax or two.  

Check out Blah Blah.

[via Thrillist] 
