It's like somebody's trying to just give wine away these days! Don't they know grapes don't grow on trees? Well, they don't. They grow on vines. You're welcome.
Wait. Pump the brakes real fast. Rewind. Play it back again.
Somebody's trying to just give wine away? In this economy?! Kidding. Economy's in pretty decent shape. But really.
Yes, we are giving away wine in the form of an absolutely incredible wine festival, the New York City Winter Wine Festival in Times Square.
Yeah, you might have missed this one, but fear not: there's still time.
We, along with New York Wine Events, Headlines & Heroes, Brooklyn Based, Jamesport Vineyards, Gothamist and many others, are giving away two tickets to the NYC Winter Wine Festival.
But it's not like we're saying, "Hey! Here are the tickets! Good luck, buddy!" No, we're taking care of you VIP style so you get all the warm, tingly, wine-drunk feels we have just thinking about this giveaway.
You'll be set with transportation by Uber to and from the festival, dinner for two at Lincoln Square Steak-- which, if you haven't heard, is effing phenomenal-- and, possibly the best part, a room for the day at Hotel Mela in Times Square.
On top of all of that (which should be good enough on its own, right?), the winner will also get a 6-month subscription to the Jamesport Vineyards Wine Club.
This isn't the Powerball. You're not shelling out money for a one-in-292-million chance at an impossible amount of money. No, this is better than that. The best things in life are free, and this is certainly high up on the list of those best-things-in-life... things.
What are you doing right now? Right this second?
Are you drinking a lovely glass of red wine to warm your weary winter bones? How much did you pay for that glass? It's probably more than you'll have to pay for this opportunity to get free wine for a really, really long time.

spoiled_nyc want to win a $1,000 nyc staycation sweepstakes? 🗽🍷🌇 get all the details... #linkinbio #nycwinterwinefestival #uber #lincolnsquaresteak #hotelmela #jamesportvineyards 🍷🍷🍷 @spoiled_nyc @nywineevents @gothamist @headlinesandheroes @brooklynbased @uncubed
If you've never been to a wine festival, then you don't know how much fun you're missing out on. This Winter Wine Festival is going to be incredible enough as is, and the only way it gets better is if you can get there for free.
You might as well enter the giveaway. Someone's got to win it, right?!
But like we said, the NYC Winter Wine Festival is going to be incredible enough on its own, so even if you don't win, you still shouldn't miss it. You can register for the NYC Winter Wine Festival here to make sure you get there, but if you're hellbent on winning, enter our giveaway here.You're not out of time yet, but the deadline is Friday, January 22nd. See you there?
Check out There's an Amazing Winter Wine Festival Going Down in Times Square.