Check Out This Interactive Plow Map of Which NYC Streets Have Been Cleared So Far (And How Long Ago) | spoiled NYC

Check Out This Interactive Plow Map of Which NYC Streets Have Been Cleared So Far (And How Long Ago)

Today, Mayor de Blasio announced that alternate street side parking is suspended through February 1st. Well played, Mr. Mayor, well-played. 

Because after taking a look at the interactive plow map below, New York City is going to need all of the time in the world to rebound from this past weekend's historic snowstorm

As NYC's official Plow Website states, "The purpose of this Website is to allow the public to: (1) track the progress of DSNY spreader/plow vehicles; and (2) confirm the snow designation of City streets (i.e., primary, secondary, tertiary, or non-DSNY) (collectively, "Data").


Check out the interactive map below by simply clicking on it, or you can view it hereBe forewarned, however. It doesn't look too promising for the outer boroughs, especially Queens.


Did You Know NYC Is Now Hiring Emergency Snow Removal Workers at Over $20/Hour?
