Are you a runner? No? Well, neither are we, but we aspire to be... 

And because we think that one day we could live up to our marathon-running potential (LOL), we're just going to keep this here for some handy information. 

Ultra runner, Phil McCarthy, identified all of the free, runnable bridges that spanned natural waterways.

Sean Sullivan, the author of running blog, Milo and the Calf, first publicized this map of runnable bridges in New York City, as well as his documented attempts to run all of the listed bridges. 

Now you can try and maintain your New Year's resolutions while taking in the beautiful waterside scenery of NYC and running these bridges yourself. 

Or, if that's not your style, you could always just walk them. If you're an overachiever (we can't be friends) you can try to run/walk them all. 

Check out the map below. 

